Pullet always has wet head


6 Years
Feb 13, 2015
St Louis
I have a 6 month old Salmon Favarolle who is always wet. I think she plays in the water when she drinks but her beard and muffs and even the top of her head is always wet. She likes to roll in the dust too and the combination makes for a dirty bird all the time. Is this normal? I've never had a hen do this before. Will she stop doing it in the winter? We are still having some warm days but even when the temps are cooler she still plays in the water. She is laying fine and seems to be otherwise healthy.
I was hoping she will stop when it gets cold. I tried the nipple feeder when they were young but they seem to like a regular setup better. so I just have 3 gal gravity waterers. I want them to get lots of water especially when it is hot. Will they just use the nipple waterer if I take away the current setup? Or will I have to "teach" them?
Chickens will usually prefer a conventional waterer over a nipple waterer, as the nipple waterer takes more effort. But unless it's pretty hot (when you need to make sure they stay hydrated and cooled down), they'll do fine with just a nipple waterer.

Yes they will use it if they have no other options. You may or may not have to teach them to use it... I taught my first batch of chickens to use it, but the second batch learned from watching the first.

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