Pullet stopped laying after 4 days... been a month - hasn't laid since..


Apr 1, 2017
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong with her? Its been a month since she laid her last egg, and I'm starting to get pretty worried.. all of her sisters are still laying everyday and are healthy. She is not lethargic, she's not limping, everything seems to be normal, except of course the fact that she hasn't laid in a month.. Any ideas would be helpful.. Thank you!
What does her comb look like? Is she a breed with a single comb? Is it pale? Is it floppy instead of sticking up straight?

If all else appears normal, she may be individually sensitive to the lessening day length, and she's going into winter withdrawal a bit early.

You could lengthen the day length and keep the eggs coming by putting a low wattage light in your coop on a timer to come on a couple hours before sunrise.
What does her comb look like? Is she a breed with a single comb? Is it pale? Is it floppy instead of sticking up straight?

If all else appears normal, she may be individually sensitive to the lessening day length, and she's going into winter withdrawal a bit early.

You could lengthen the day length and keep the eggs coming by putting a low wattage light in your coop on a timer to come on a couple hours before sunrise.
would there be a reason she is the only one that has been affected by the shortening of the days?
She has a pea comb and her face and comb are just as red as her sisters..
Yes, genetics can affect individual laying patterns. She probably isn't related to her brooder mates. Hatchery eggs come from lots of different hen donors.

She may also be experiencing a brief lull before she resumes a normal cycle of laying. This isn't unusual in new layers.

Since she's so young, there's only a very slim chance she has something internal going on that has stopped her eggs. I wouldn't worry about it. She sounds perfectly healthy.
Yes, genetics can affect individual laying patterns. She probably isn't related to her brooder mates. Hatchery eggs come from lots of different hen donors.

She may also be experiencing a brief lull before she resumes a normal cycle of laying. This isn't unusual in new layers.

Since she's so young, there's only a very slim chance she has something internal going on that has stopped her eggs. I wouldn't worry about it. She sounds perfectly healthy.
Do you know how long the "lulls" usually last?
Any sign of molting? Most birds don't molt until their second year, but she could be an exception. Do you know what breed she is? If you don't, try posting a picture, because that will help us help you. Some breeds simply don't lay well, and many slow down or quit once it starts getting cooler or the daylength shortens.
She is an easter egger.. there haven't been any feathers in their coop/run, so i don't believe its molting..

Ill post a photo a little later...
She is an easter egger.. there haven't been any feathers in their coop/run, so i don't believe its molting..

Ill post a photo a little later...
I have EE and they are usually pretty cold-tolerant, one of the many reasons I got them. However, every chicken is different. Even a chicken from a breed that generally has poor production can be your best layer and vice versa.

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