Pure entertainment

I wish mine would cuddle like that--how cute!! They will follow me around and "attack" my fingers though whether I have treats or not. :D We waste more time too just sitting in front of the duck pen watching them. When we put fresh water in their pool they love to splash and act scared then chase each other in and out of the pool and around the pen and back into the pool--we call it merry-go-duck--LOL They are so hilarious--who knew??! Ducks are like the best kept secret or something. :):):)
Hehe they really are. I think they're not exploding in popularity because people just assume they're dumb, unthinking poop machines. I've never seen such derpy birds so full of personality before! It's like, they're adorably clumsy to the point where I wonder how on earth they ever became so successful as a species!
The dynamics of my little flock/gaggle is hilarious. I have two pekins- a male and female... And two pilgrims- both male AND teenagers. On their supervised visitations together everyone gets quite confused. Hazel our female pekin become a ninja. She haunches down with her neck out and chases the geese. When she's not a ninja she's a happy and VERY vocal girl. Then we have our male pekin, Henry, who can't figure out if he wants to run with the teenage pilgrims or stay with his girl Hazel. The geese, Oscar and Ollie, are giant chickens! Sweet as can be but terrified of the ducks who are way smaller than them. Although, they do want to "get" those geese they see in the car reflection! When they are in a group they all follow me nicely for a walk. The second we stop and everyone is squabbling! I love them so much! :)
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