Putting lime in the chicken pen?

I need to look into this deep litter method, my coop has a removable tray I am going to fix it tues and wed, as it has rotted (TIN FLOOR) it will coated in rubber this time. I raise red worms as well, maybe this would allow me to be shed of this tray or drawer.

Truth be known... I only change out the litter once a year. It's pretty deep I would say a good foot or so deep now. I do take a pitch fork and flip it every so often when I think it needs it but I mainly just sprinkle barn lime overtop of it.

It's a really simple method. Lay down 3 or 4 inches, sprinkle barn lime when it starts to get ripe. Then add another layer and more barn lime when that layer gets ripe, keep going with the layers and lime. Flip it with a pitch fork every once in a while and add more barn lime.

I'm going to change it out this fall after it cools off some when I won't sweat my *** off doing so.

I get all the sawdust and wood chips I want for free since I own a sawmill and do quite a bit of woodworking. Just use non-toxic wood chips and dust, pine, maple, sycamore works well. Don't use toxic wood chips and dust like black walnut, I also heard cedar is bad but I have a layer of that down also and had no problems. FYI... Most "exotic" woods (wood from over seas) are toxic. But if your in doubt have a look here ---> http://www.finewoodworking.com/how-to/article/toxic-woods.aspx

Oh I wanted to add spent deep litter makes great soil amendment for the garden, it's really high in nitrogen makes for really green bushy plants... just don't get any on your plants it will burn them, its best to till in to the soil a few weeks prior to planting.
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Thanks for the help, I will have to change mine more or stay with the tray, a foot deep in that coup is to much. 8 inches is all would want to build up, but it is do-able for sure. If I put the red worms to work in there, it may be a really good system, if they break it down like they do rabbit poop. May not be enough moisture, but that can be dealt with as well.
I have a solution to my deep bed in all areas that my chickens "live" in. I am having 2 large hard maples topped and trimmed again after 8 years from last trim job. Also some soft maple stuff removed hanging over property and breaking off with every big storm. A 6 inch around limb with 15-20 feet of growth almost got my old S10. I am going to have him dump his grinding catch truck at our house. This along with white pine needles, and a bail o peat moss will be a great deep bed starter mix. I can add grass and leafs all year . The clucks should have a field day in this stuff and will mix it for me. Fresh pickings and live bugs. Almost like a steak dinner and salad for us. hahaha
I have a solution to my deep bed in all areas that my chickens "live" in. I am having 2 large hard maples topped and trimmed again after 8 years from last trim job. Also some soft maple stuff removed hanging over property and breaking off with every big storm. A 6 inch around limb with 15-20 feet of growth almost got my old S10. I am going to have him dump his grinding catch truck at our house. This along with white pine needles, and a bail o peat moss will be a great deep bed starter mix. I can add grass and leafs all year . The clucks should have a field day in this stuff and will mix it for me. Fresh pickings and live bugs. Almost like a steak dinner and salad for us. hahaha

I just spread our a huge round haybale in all three of my yards. Its a cricket haven the chicks are having a field day.
Please help.I have a hen that is paralyzed cannot my feet or wings. Moves ger head around like shes drunk.cannot eat or drink.found her like this in the chicken house.what the heck is going on with her?? Please help
maybe she hit her head on a roost or something when flying off of it for the day and she has damaged her brain or spine. It could be a parasite, maybe cocidiosis has robbed her of nutrition to the point she is in. At any rate, I personally would put her down. Watch the others close, if they start acting weird, I would get a stool test at the vet. then treat the whole flock if it is an internal parasite. That's just me though, I am no vet...
Ugh I left the coop an hour away with a bag of the wrong kind of lime
I even told them what I was using it for
i am really nerves about using lime in our chicken coop would you use anything else thats would be natural or is lime cheapier and better to use..and is there different kind of lime you shouldnt use for coops?thank you

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