
Jun 10, 2020
I left my four quail chicks that are 2 days old in my brooder and when I came back an hour later, they were dead. I though maybe they suffocated since the room was super, super warm. I tried cpr, but the air I breathed into their mouth only reached some bubble above their shoulder and would not go further, and two of the chicks had an air bubble from their stomach to under the bottom beak. The other, had yellow mixed with maroon fluid like stuff from where their umbilical cord hung out of. I did not press hard enough for the fluid to come out of that hole... I don't understand why they died, can quail chicks die from bacteria build up in their bodies? they did seem to be bloated looking.. please help explain to me , I feel like I murdered these poor birds
what was the temp?? did they have a cooler area in the brooder? was the water lukewarm, cold or hot? a lot can go wrong with brooders and 2 day old quail a pic of your set-up and maybe we can help more
It would be helpful to know some more information. What was the temperature? Since you’re asking about bacteria, is there something in particular you think they might have? Such as bad food? What food did you have for them? Did the brooder look dirty? Had they been pooping?
I actually disposed of the brooder, the basic set up was a plastic container bigger than the size of a shoe box, then a light 60w connected to a brooder lamp. Could you help explain the chicks’ body conditions, I really don’t understand what had happened.
I constantly cleaned the Brooder and under the lamp, I made a bottle cave(I cut a liter bottle in half and Set it on its side) I put paper towels in there so they would be cozy. That’s where they died
I'm sorry you lost them. Quail chicks are delicate little things. You do need to teach quail chicks how to eat and drink by tapping on the food and water every time you check on them. They aren't as independent as chicken chicks who will find those things by themselves.

Birds don't have lungs like we do. They have 9 air sacs that are located in many places on their bodies that feed into and out of the lungs which are a rigid structure in birds - they don't expand and contract like ours do. That would have been the bubbles you saw.
The food dish was constantly clean and I cleaned the water too. I crushed up Mana Pro game bird starter feed and I had beads in the water.

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