Quail for meat?


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Does anyone raise their quail for butcher? If so, any preference on type of quail. I don't have any now but I am fascinated by them and would be interested in raising for entertainment and as a food source.
We raised some Corturnix last spring and loved em. Added some bacon around them and put em in the oven mmmm mmmm. Easy to process and the Corturnix grow quite a bit faster than Bobwhites. Plus you can get eggs much cheaper and hatch them out.

I know this sounds aweful and some may not care for it but the heads will twist right off and pulling the skin and feathers off is very simply. Not much to it. I just find they are tasty and cheap. Just if you do try them add the bacon

I like mine with the skin on so it's nice and crispy. They aren't real hard to pluck.
That's not awful Brandon. It's how it's done. Their little heads just come right off, if you are willing. I prefer splitting them in two and pan frying, but I'm from the south, and even pan fried crow can taste good.
Pretty much any of my coturnix can face the butcher. As far as type goes, it's up to the individual taste of the raiser. Some only like bobs, or other species. I gravitate to coturnix, but that's because I raise only coturnix and they taste just fine to me! They also have a crazy fast easy production model that fits my bill.

Each species has it's up side and down side. Is there a particular species that fits your pallet?
According to a gamebird book I read a Coturnix Quail when raised for butcher will eat less than 1lb of feed from the time of the hatch to butchering age.

I'm sure they never raised any, but ti does sound about right when you consider the size of the bird. My last batch of coturnix chicks only went through a 5lb. bag to get to the 6 week point, which is about the size for butcher.
Each species has it's up side and down side. Is there a particular species that fits your pallet?

I preffer duck or pheasant to quail. Especially a wild duck.​

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