Quail hatched in October, shouldn't they be laying by now?


7 Years
Jul 2, 2016
central Virginia
I hatched 5 quail and bought 10 more at the end of October. I still have 13, but not a single egg yet. They get Purina Gamebird feed. Surely I don't have 13 males! My turkey has been laying since beginning of March so I figured the quail would start too but nada. They are in a fully enclosed pen with a little house at one end so they can't get out and nothing can get in. I read about 14 hours daylight being ideal, I think we're at 12+ now. Is it still too early or are my quail defective? Thanks!
I will get some photos during our lecture break. I have one bird that makes a chirrup noise, like "prrrrr WOW" I wouldn't call it a crow but maybe that's what a quail crow sounds like :) I have one that ribbets like a frog. Those are the only 2 noises I've heard other than little short chirps.
I will get some photos during our lecture break. I have one bird that makes a chirrup noise, like "prrrrr WOW" I wouldn't call it a crow but maybe that's what a quail crow sounds like :) I have one that ribbets like a frog. Those are the only 2 noises I've heard other than little short chirps.
Yes, those are their sweet little crows...
How much light are they getting? 14-16 hours is needed for them to lay. Anything that's stressing them will also keep them from laying. If you have too many boys, that could be keeping them from laying too.
Awwww! I wish my chicken roosters crowed like that. I have two with the MOST ANNOYING crows, they are both extra loud and really just gratingly screechy. My old NN roo had this mournful crow, almost like a mourning dove, "Ooo- oo- oooooh"
They don't act overtly stressed. When I go into their enclosure they are usually just chilling in their piles of pine needles and dried grass clippings. Compared to some of my chickens I find them surprisingly calm. I can just reach over and pick them up. Though once I do they don't like it!

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