Quail not laying


10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
far west Ohio
I just got back into Coturnix again, after a 2-year break. My 13 quail are 11 weeks old (in a colony pen) and I have yet to get a single egg from them. What is going on? They are on Gamebird Breeder feed. I have been waiting and waiting, and nothing yet! I know when I had quail before they were always laying well by 8 weeks. Is it too hot for them, maybe?
Well...here is my assessment. #1.Put them on GBS, which will exacerbate their non-laying, but works out well in the end. #2. Make sure you have some hens. Extreams in temp can put off egg laying, but you should have an egg or two in 11 weeks, unless they are not getting enough light. If they are outside in North America, then light should not be a problem, but if they are in a barn, then get yourself a night-light.
Coturnix are laying machines. So make sure they are girls. Roos don't give you too many eggs
. Light is needed for sure, 14 hrs a day is great.

I have all my quail on a 22% protein feed and get an egg a day from all my hens. I also suppliment thier diet with mealworms and greens (specifically fresh alfalfa picked daily). So hopefully you can check to see where adjustments can be made.
They are in a pen inside of a chain-link dog kennel outside. How do I tell which are hens or roos? I know several of them crow. My former quail were just the regular browns-very easy to tell apart. These are white, golden, tuxedo, and rosetta (I believe-they are very dark, with no white). I know several of them have bare spots on their heads-I was assuming from mating, although I haven't actually seen any doing it.
Thanks for the laugh!
I have wondered if I have any hens, but I am not sure how to tell with these-browns are easy to sex-but these are much prettier!

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