Quail violence


8 Years
Oct 4, 2015
What makes them suddenly turn on each other? I had four courtnix in a fairly large cage, they got along great for several months, cranking out eggs, looked good and healthy and content, and then today I go in to feed them and three of them are beating the crap out of the fourth who looks half-dead, scalped and bleeding. I rescued her and popped her into the spare hamster cage I normally use for transporting birds but she looks pretty bad. None of the birds in the other cages were acting any differently and the room they are kept in is fairly isolated, no one goes in or out, automatic timed lights, no predators, can barely even hear noises from outside.
They have a big nesting/dust box that they can dust in or sleep in. A piece of gravel paper to scratch around on (rest of floor is wire) and a feeding box where they can dig around in the feed. Plus they can run around these two boxes or jump in and out of them. I give them mealworms to dig for and fresh greens every day in addition to their feed. Maybe the isolated room is too quiet and boring? I thought it would relax them and make them feel safe.
They have a big nesting/dust box that they can dust in or sleep in. A piece of gravel paper to scratch around on (rest of floor is wire) and a feeding box where they can dig around in the feed. Plus they can run around these two boxes or jump in and out of them. I give them mealworms to dig for and fresh greens every day in addition to their feed. Maybe the isolated room is too quiet and boring? I thought it would relax them and make them feel safe.

Hmmm... All I can think of is maybe something is throwing them off: a new step in the routine, a new item in the cage, a bird behaving strangely. If the one female was injured or sick to begin with, they might have been trying to cull her; they seem to have a sense for that sort of thing. And I know whenever I add anything new to my quails' enclosure it takes them a few days to work out a new order. I hope it was just a one-off thing and yours can settle down/heal.
One thing that can make quail go from best friends to constant pecking, is the sight of blood. If she could have boinked and got a small cut somewhere, the others just can't resist - they simply must peck at the blood, making the wond larger and larger.
It could also be just one of them who started the aggression and once it drew blood the others had to join.
Also if she was sick in any way the others will notice and try to expell her from the flock - but as she has nowhere to go, they just keep pecking and pecking.
I hope she recovers - quail can get over things you'd never believe. As long as she eats and drinks, her chances are good.
my hen just suddenly attacked my other hen the other day as well.
And I don't even know the reason, they had been together since they hatched.
so I have no choice but separated them...
I had some Cots turn on one of their own and peck a big hole in his chest! I could even see a rib! I cleaned it and put him by himself , it never even phased him! He is back to hooting.

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