Quarantined this chick... Any clue if she's ok?


8 Years
9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Seattle area
I got 3 chicks from the feed store three days ago and all was fine for the first day or so. I was of course on the look-out for pasty butt and they were scared so they kept showing me their back ends (we're working on that). It was yesterday that I noticed a bump on the back end of my Welsummer, [edit] below the vent. It looks like a big browish-red wart. I should also mention she did jump from my hand that morning and land on the counter and fall to the ground (about 3 feet). She was fine afterwards, but today she was slow getting going so I moved her to quarantine. Here's the best pic I could get through the feathers.


Any ideas what it is?

Should I continue quarantining her?

Should I see about a replacement before the chicks are too old to mix?

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Not real sure what that is, I've never seen that before. Hopefully someone else has an idea? I would maybe keep the chick separate just in case.

edited because I can't spell
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Looks like dried blood or a scab? If so I'd probably put a little antibiotic ointment on it. I wouldn't separate unless the others were pecking her.
All new chicks have that, but sometimes it looks different.2 It's their "belly button" where the umbilical cord attaches to the yolk sac in the egg. When I got my first chick I almost pulled it off, and I'm glad I didn't because it could have really hurt her! Just leave it alone and it should go away in a few days!
I agree with the belly button thing. Are u sure it is not prolapsed? it is hard to tell in the picture. If it is not a bright red color then I would just let her be, maybe stick her with just one other chick for company until it heals a bit.
THANK YOU ALL!!! I really appreciate the help. I can't argue with the logic here at all. She is 2 inches away from the other two in the other bin, which are both clear so they sit right next to each other and cheep constantly. She also jumps almost out of the bin trying to get to her friends.

I'm liking the lonely comment but with 3 birds at the moment, I can't very well put one with her in isolation, that would leave the other alone. I guess I will just put her back with her friends. I'm pretty sure she's the alpha hen thus far.

Thanks again!

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