Question about Newcastle disease

Petra Pancake

7 Years
Jul 15, 2016
In the suburbs of Tel Aviv
3 of my hens have died within one week. The body of the third one is undergoing necropsy, I don't have a result yet. The main "suspects" are Avian Influenza and Newcastle. Now, if it turns out to be AI, the remaining flock will have to be culled and I wouldn't resist that because there is at least a theoretical risk to humans. If it is Newcastle disease, by law the flock also has to be culled. However, Newcastle isn't dangerous to humans and not all chickens die of it.
I'm not saying I'm going to do it, but if I "saved" part of my flock from being culled in that case, wouldn't survivors of the disease live normally and stop shedding the virus after some time? Or would they be carriers for life?

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