Question for transitioning chicks to outdoor flock


Feb 13, 2021
So I have question about transitioning chicks to the outdoors and integrating with the rest of the flock... I hatch out chicks from my incubator a few times a year. I sell most of them but always end up keeping a few cuties. I keep them in a brooder inside until they're mostly feathered out and then I move them to my "grow-out" pen, one of those pre-made coops bought from TSC. I lock them in for about a week so they can see everyone free ranging outside and get acclimated. Then when the time feels right, I open the door for them to wander out at their own pace. It's never peaceful bc the second that door opens the nearest rooster charges in making his "hey babe, I found you some food!" clucks and the chicks all freak out and go running wherever.. But whatever, an hour later everyone is happy as a clam. Nighttime comes and the chicks wander back in to their pre-made TSC coop that they now call home. So I guess my question is what do y'all do, or what do you do next during this transitioning period? This is my "grow out" pen but now my little teenagers are sleeping in it every night and they've claimed it as their home.. I usually have another round of chicks about a month later ready to go out to the grow out pen but oops, occupado.. I feel like I messed up and feel so guilty if I kick the OGs out so I can lock in the new group of chicks.. So I quickly just set up a new coop and pen, which continues the cycle and things are starting to look really "rednecky" around here. I now have several rink a dink pens all over the place... These were supposed to be temporary fixes but nobody wants to join the flock in the big main coop at nighttime. Ugh I was going with the flow for so long I didn't realize how far I was getting swept away. Should I just swallow my guilt and kick everyone out of the grow-out pen and force them to the main coop? I can't find this situation anywhere on here and my eyes are getting blurry from searching thru sooo many articles and threads for so long😵 I would just love to hear any advice or what your course of action is for this situation.. I'm self taught and pretty much learned everything I know from BYC over the past couple years so please help me to figure this issue out. Thanks😁
Sorry this was so long🤦🏼‍♀️
If you want them together you will need to home them to the coop you want them to be in. I have accomplished this by having a fenced off an area in a corner where the birds just moving in stay for a few days to week. If that can not be done you may need to leave the entire flock in a few days. It takes longer, but I have had success with moving the birds to the new coop everynight until they go in on their own. I do have one hen who I have not been able to successfully move, but it is really a move back. She moved from my standard coop to my Silkie coop when she made a nest and went broody. All my attempts to move her back to the standard coop have failed. Just a note to mention I use the fence corner for hand raised chicks as soon as they don't need heat.

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