QUESTION HELP buff opringtons

my 2 do the same thing they tend tolie on top of each other !

and the waddles ... could be roos but could also be that they have not seen enough light/food maybe? not up on it all myself but i did notice that whenmine went broody and stoped eating and looking for the daylight her waddle turned a dark red/burgendy colour.
now she eats back to normal and is outside a lot in the sun her waddle is gong back to the right colour .

dont know if this little story helps !
so was bascially just a question all my other chickens roost just not my BO and never ran across a forum of this subject
I have 2 BO's, 1RIR and 1BR. all of them roost and my BO's are the first ones up at night. Some times you have to show them how to roost. In the evening when they start to settle down just pick them up one by one and set them on the roost. By the way, what kind of roost do you have? I've read that a 2 by 4 layed flat is best so they can sit on their feet when it's cold to prevent frostbite.
its just a regualr 2x2 square post, was thinking of changing them out but when u see all roost it is a 2X whatever but the 2X part is always the set up for the actual contact.......................guess my biggest question was could there combs and waddles and feathers turn that dark that quick in less then a week and also more curious to make sure they are roosters before i get rid of cause only want one rooster per kind if that makes sense.
I really think that if they are roosters that you would know it by now, do they have spurs?are they very agressive? Being gonefor a week maybe it wasout of sight, out of mind and then when you got back their color surprised you?
no deffinatly not out of sight out of never any aggression and no spurs only the one buff that i know is a rooster has bumps but no spurs yet and the other 2 look just like him but no spurs no crows no agression
I have 3 Bos all the same age 22 weeks now and was concerned that one was a roo. Its comb was bigger and getting brighter than her two counterparts as well as its facial parts. Then at 20 weeks there SHE is, in a nest box with the cutest little egg under her. So if yours are 27 and it has not crowed really doubt its a rooster. My white rocks started at 15/16 weeks crowing. Praticing much earlier but I was in denial.
well like i said before i know all chickens are different and devolp differnt but figured if they were roos they would be by now only one that i know is a rooster has bumops on legs and a other oen looks like small bumps but cant tell but then with my americana roo he is only week or two older and is full blown roo with big crow figured they would try and mock or see what he is doing and start but nothing yet. dont wanan get rid of until know for sure and sorry about pics but since tornado few months ago havent bought a new comp lighting fried ours. but the other 2 that dont have the darker neck and tail feathers still arent laying getting kinda impatient lol cause just like our cattle feeding hay if it isnt mothering like it supposed to be guess what its beef for the winter or rowdy bulls! to chicken with feed it is like feeding a useless mouth. but dont wanan get rid of until i know for sure! cause even the ones that arent coloring liek the others still have the big bright red combs and waddles
it can get really confusing. Most say you can tell at 4 weeks. our buff at for weeks has a redder comb but not the body conformation of a rooster, the feathering or the personality. we just rehomed a slw rooster so I think I know what im looking for but sometimes they stump you. At the age of yours you should be able to tell. any comments on what you guys think I have would be great.


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