Question on GMO feed

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Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I want to get a GMO free food for my girls- this is the closeest I've found- this is what they say about GMO. What do you think? Is this bad GMO?

Yes. Some of our products may contain genetically modified ingredients. It’s important to remember that all grain is technically genetically-modified, as simple plant breeding is a form of genetic modification.

Agricultural biotechnology (including genetically engineering grain in a laboratory to enhance desired traits) is thoroughly researched, regulated, and safe to feed your animal. GMO ingredients are prevalent in the feed supply chain. Because grain for feed is purchased in bulk from large storage facilities, it is not possible to tell which corn has been genetically engineered. It is possible to specifically purchase “non-GMO” grains, but this comes at a premium price. Producing feed with non-GMO grains would be cost prohibitive.
That just means that yes, that feed contains GMO and that they are not able to tell you how much but they are trying to word it so it sounds happy and healthy anyway -- its just marketing copy with little real information.

Unless what you buy (of any food product) says specifically that is 100% non GMO or 100% organic then it contains GMO. Even "certified organic" could potentially have some GMO because a product only needs to be 95% organic to be USDA certified organic and that 5% could (but does not always) contain GMOs.

If you really want non GMO I would look for a soy-free, organic feed. If it says 100% organic or is labeled non GMO then you are really in the clear. If it doesn't then it is probably has no or very little GMO/
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Thank you! Me and a friend are looking for GMO feed for our chickens. I am hoping we find something! Thanks for the info on that. :)
I want to get a GMO free food for my girls- this is the closeest I've found- this is what they say about GMO. What do you think? Is this bad GMO?

Yes. Some of our products may contain genetically modified ingredients. It’s important to remember that all grain is technically genetically-modified, as simple plant breeding is a form of genetic modification.
I would not have anything to do with feed that claims plant breeding is the same thing as genetic modification.
I would not have anything to do with feed that claims plant breeding is the same thing as genetic modification.

I think that is a good point. Just because something is GMO doesn't mean it is instantly horrible. But, the way the above copy is written is very misleading. I do think it is worth supporting companies that are honest and forthright about the whats and wheres of their products. The fact that they also say we don't know...not what you want to be reading. If the information is not readily available or is unclear chances are it's not good.
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Good news! My friend called and said she found a organic GMO free food, 50# for $15!!!
Wow lucky you.
No one has ever proven there are any harmful effects caused by GMO crops.
Yet strangely here in the land of the free we are barred by law from knowing what is in our own food. So you walk into the grocery store. You see GMO salmon for 5 dollars a pound and unadulterated salmon for 10 dollars a pound. Which one do you buy? Who cares its a free country. Oh wait...
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