Rabbit bottle


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
So I use these with my 2 adult silkies and jap quail. Is it safe to use one for a newly hatched baby (just the one, due on the 7th). I'm worried that too much water will drip out and go up its nostrils! Anybody have any ideas? I brought a mini bottle for mice, only 75ml.
If it's not suitable from hatch...when would it be safe to start using one?

Picture - http://www.bunnybasics.net/images/230306 007.jpg
I hate to highjack your thread but how do you teach them to use it? I've been contemplating getting a couple for my girls.
Because it's shiny and something new, I found that they just pecked it out of curiosity. Failing that, my birds peck at whatever I tap, so I'd just tap it to get their attention.
Mine are addicted!! I gave them a big one that I had leftover from a rabbit that is no longer with us, and it was a BIG HIT.
It's like recreational drinking!! And if one goes over and pecks it, they all crowd around, so I feel like they're getting good and hydrated that way even though it just puts out a drop at a time.

Also I had them dump a gallon chicken waterer in their bedding, so I bought them a small hampster bottle to put in their house. It's quite small, like 8oz or something, so even if they manage to spill the entire thing their house won't be soaked.

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