Rabbit's DON'T belong in cages!!!

Confinement set ups are the most efficient. That is why hogs, cows, chickens, ducks, and turkeys are produced in this manner. You get a quality product at the end for less money in the long run.
Hi guys. Different threads are for different purposes to draw people who have an interest in the subject. I'm on several threads and it isn't rude or unusual for subscribers to request other subscribers to stay on topic. This thread is for people who believe in free ranging their rabbits. Mine are in a large hutch and I take them out sometimes to free range and they do seem to like it but then they want back in the hutch. I built a ramp and am trying to train them to use it to get back in. That way I can open the hutch in the morning and close it at night.
If you aren't interested in free ranging or colony living, there are many threads that will appeal to you, but please don't ruin the thread for those with that interest. JS.
It has been a long week here. Monday a very large dog broke into my rabbit run (ripped the fencing right off the chain link panels). One French lop doe was killed and the buck made a run for it. We didn't find the buck until Friday and he wasn't doing well.Vet visit, surgery,and 2 days treatment he is doing much better. He no longer has a tail but should heal up ok. So hopefully things will settle down around here now that my bunny is home and the dog has been dealt with.
It has been a long week here. Monday a very large dog broke into my rabbit run (ripped the fencing right off the chain link panels). One French lop doe was killed and the buck made a run for it. We didn't find the buck until Friday and he wasn't doing well.Vet visit, surgery,and 2 days treatment he is doing much better. He no longer has a tail but should heal up ok. So hopefully things will settle down around here now that my bunny is home and the dog has been dealt with.
still doing a rabbit run? i wouldnt unless u mean the dogs dead............................
My rabbits have a 77 Ft. * 12 Ft. Run attached to their hutch, also has a dirt hill (that they luv to burrow in), and a nice spruce tree for chilling in the shade
pics please
My rabbits "free range" and they couldn't be happier.

Here one of the New Zealand black does has made herself a little cool spot under the garden cart. The chickens (Mille Fleur Booted Bantams) are hanging around waiting for her to leave so they can get dips on it and turn it into a dust bath.

Here is one of the young Palomino does...looking a bit guilty after munching on some of my blackberry leaves. But don't be fooled...it's all an act. She knows perfectly well that I don't care if she eats them. In fact, I planted most all the herbs and berry bushes with the critters in mind, so they are welcome to munch as much as they want. BTW, she has not been in a pen since before she was weaned, and she's almost six months old now.

BTW, for those who say plant chives, garlic or hot peppers around the outside of your garden/yard to discourage bunnies, I want you to know that one of the Palomino bunnies has eaten most of my Red Cap Mushroom peppers (30,000 - 50,000 Scoville Units...so, VERY HOT!), and about half of one of my chive patches.
I'll try to get pictures of it dining on them, so you can see for yourselves.

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