Racoon killed my pet cat by front door!

I am so sorry. I would be in tears too! Your kitty was so beautiful. I am a cat lover and I would be devastated. We had raccoons that kept killing our kittens. The only thing we ever caught with our live traps was our own cats! One night something woke up my DH. He looked outside and there in the driveway were 3 raccoons. He started shooting and killed them all! That was 2 years ago and we haven't had a problem since. Go get him!!!
I am so sorry
awwww, thats just AWEFUL!
our cats, 'specially the toms, and our homicidal female, run the coons off when they get too close, same with foxes, Karina is best at running off the foxes, she's relentless.

I love racoons, I think they're pretty, but I've seen what they can do, I hope I never have to see one at a cat.

are you possitive it was a coon, and not a fox?, I know that foxes like to eat the stomaches, but I suppose a coon would too.

I am really glad that my cat Sicily had her kitten in the shed RIGHT up next to the house, across from one of our dogs, no coon would dare get that close, I'm worried about when the kit is up and moving though, momma likes to spend alot of time in the woods, well she did.

Luckily I have a puppy now, and we haven't lost any chickens since she came. But I do have to put up with her barking all night long everynight. So I haven't decided if it was worth it yet. I'm pretty sleepy. lol

we have 3 outside dogs, our pit x shepherd mix Winnie keeps watch out front, Dino, our half blind,half deff cocker and Sidney our Pit x bluetick coon hound mix keep watch out back, Sidney is usually the first to raise the alarm,I was SO tempted to let him off his tie when I saw a big assed fox last night, he was barking his head off,he wanted to kill the thing!

for once, I agree with everyone, kill the darned thing, then kill it again!​
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The guy at animal control dropped off the trap but it looks way too small for this big racoon....at least to me. I will bring my other cats inside soon and set it anyway. Will also be sitting in my p/u with the window open about 20 feet from the cat's food dish.

I miss my Smokey sooooo much. He always greeted me when I came home, no matter what time day or night, and loved the chickens... never bothered a thing. It is not the same without him.

Will let you know if "the beast" comes around and if I can dispatch him tonight.
Will do an extra shot for old Smoke.

Thanks again for all the nice posts.
I'm so sad to hear not just that you lost you cat, but that you had to witness the graphic details of his death. Many hugs to you and may your memories of what a lovely cat he was outlast the negatives memories of his death.
I agree, they normally aviod them unless provoked, sick, or protecting their young. If you call Animal Control after you trap it, they should put it down for you and they can send it off to be tested.

I'm so sorry about Smokey.

Good Luck trapping!
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I am so sorry, I love my 2 cats...and my chickens...

predators are NOT welcome. I HOPE you catch that raccoon!

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