Raising baby ducklings! Muscovys


In the Brooder
May 27, 2018
Help! In the past, due to storms etc., my muscovys eggs didn't hatch. I only had one hatch last year and put the mom and babies together in a small outside room until they got big enough to put in the yard. They did okay but the poop became an issue as it was a cement floor and the food costs awere high. Now suddenly in 2 days I have 3 hatches and looks like a possible forth! I'm shocked really because we've been in drought and two of them I thought were too young but I was wrong. One next in the mud, the other 3 in tires. I wrapped the first three with small hole chicken wire to keep them safe from rats but that leaves them really no room to move around. Seems like some eggs are still hatching. Soooo the chicken/duck pen is way too small. I let them go outside to a big yard but ther randy drakes and roosters seem to be scaring the hens (duck and chicken) and they stay in the small yard. I need a fast way to make hopefully a cheap shelter pen for these 3 possibly 4 mums and their babies. They all seem to hiss if another duck approaches thier nest. I thought about taking all the ducklings and placing them in the room I have but muscovy's seem to grow so slow and it seems better to let the mothers do the work. On lockdown with limited resources.... have plenty of room to build if needed but not many materials and near jungle so rats and lizards will soon be attracted.
Without any information on where you are located and what is available to you to make enclosures out of it is hard for anyone to make suggestions. If you're not currently set up to take care of ducklings, perhaps it would be best to remove eggs from the nest and not let them go broody until you are.

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