Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Hi Blooie!!!

Jess is turning 18 in 2 months. Where has the time gone????

We've been really working with her on self care things. She can fully dress herself now, but still can't take t-shirts off herself. Sweatshirts yes, but not t shirts. She can put them on, just not get them off.

We are planning another trip to Austraila. Trying to work out school vacations on both sides of the ocean.

I love hearing updates on everyone!!
Yes, the drs. usually know that the Bactrim works for Richard..this time..nope. Glad they went ahead and checked it.
He was feeling better already today! Thanks for the prayers and thoughts!

Yes, the drs. usually know that the Bactrim works for Richard..this time..nope. Glad they went ahead and checked it.
He was feeling better already today! Thanks for the prayers and thoughts!

I am SO glad he is feeling better. It is amazing how fast the RIGHT medication kicks in.

Yes, my best friend lives just outside of Sydney. Since she has 5 kids and I just have 1, it's a lot easier for us to go there. Jessica has been there twice. We skype and chat, but that isn't the same.

Her youngest has Down Syndrome. The first time I took Jess, we stayed a few weeks and that was when Jess was 6 and still in pull ups, and had major feeding issues. That was about three weeks before she found out she was pregnant with her son. They were given a possible diagnosis of DS, and the offer of an amnio to know for sure - they turned down the amnio because of the risks....and because spending that time with Jessica made them realize that even if he did have it, they could deal with it. That visit was VERY well timed.

We went again 3 years ago. But her older kids are moving around, and I want to see them before they are in all 4 corners of the world. Her oldest and his fiance - who Jess ADORES - are living on the other side of Aussie, but should be back in Sydney by the time we visit.
This time the guy I've been dating will be going with us. So, we're going to travel around a bit more than I usually do when I go.
Won't get any arguments from me, Cynthia! How's Richard? Feeling better I hope!

Jessimon, Australia? And Jess is already 18? Good grief!! We'll need pictures of that trip, that's for sure!!
Richard is here spending the night. He is doing much better. Still having some pain in the bladder. Pretty sure he is having pain from a stone that has been in there for yrs. Long story short. Because of infection, dr. couldn't go in the way he wanted to get that stone out. We are wondering how big it is now. He needs that thing out. Will take a lot of surgery, and I would have to take care of him until he was all well. Hope he gets busy getting to a dr. that can do this. May end up going north for it to be done. North..Salt Lake City area.
Richard is here spending the night. He is doing much better. Still having some pain in the bladder. Pretty sure he is having pain from a stone that has been in there for yrs. Long story short. Because of infection, dr. couldn't go in the way he wanted to get that stone out. We are wondering how big it is now. He needs that thing out. Will take a lot of surgery, and I would have to take care of him until he was all well. Hope he gets busy getting to a dr. that can do this. May end up going north for it to be done. North..Salt Lake City area.
Oh, dear! I haven't been here for a few days and I missed this post, so this was distressing to read. I don't know much about stones - aside from the fact that I'd never want one - so I'm not sure how they go about removing them. Is that something they can do the "laser smash" on or do his SB and UTI infection history put that out of the realm of possibility? Shoot, I don't even know if they do that for bladder stones like they do for gallstones...... You are all in my prayers, that's for sure!! I've grown very fond of that amazing young man!

Kendra went with us yesterday because Ken's appointment was up in Billings smack dab in the middle of Kendra's day with us. Well, he can't pick her up, and it's starting to wear on me, so I taught her how to get in the car from her wheelchair all by herself! (Well, not ALL by herself - my hand is never far from her hiney just in case) We have one of those 'as-seen-on-TV" helper thingies that you put in the latch of the car door to assist with getting in.....one of the very rare TV products like that which actually WORK. I love them. Anyway, I sneaked her outside while Grampa got shaved and packed her catheter bag. I stuck that little device in the latch of the van door and showed her how to grab it. I said, "Time to get in your carseat." Then I had her stand up on the footrest of her chair, grab that handle with her right hand and the armrest of the seat with her left, and after working her legs to show her how to take the step from the footrest to the floor of the van, she DID it! She pulled herself right up! She's known for several months how to get herself seated in the car seat, so it was just a matter of helping her turn around once she was in the van and getting herself in. Oh, I got so excited and praised her to high heaven!! She sat in her seat with a big grin on her face, clapping and saying, "We did it!" Then I reversed the process, telling her, "Okay, time to get in your wheelchair." We did a complete exchange of chair-to-seat sets 3 times, and she didn't need any help at all after that. She'd set the chair's brakes, pull herself up into the van, turn around, get in her carseat, then wait for the fuss! It just took a few minutes to teach her!

When we got ready to leave, I let her do it. Tough old Grampa just stood there with his mouth hanging open, totally speechless!! It's easier to show than to explain, so I'm going to get it on video. I can't wait to show Miss Cindi, her PTherapist! I knew she could do it...the hardest part is knowing when she's ready to try something new and capitalizing on it....I"m so proud of her. You have NO idea what this means...no more chest and back discomfort lifting her and twisting her to get in position for the carseat sounds like a bit of heaven to me!
Oh, dear! I haven't been here for a few days and I missed this post, so this was distressing to read. I don't know much about stones - aside from the fact that I'd never want one - so I'm not sure how they go about removing them. Is that something they can do the "laser smash" on or do his SB and UTI infection history put that out of the realm of possibility? Shoot, I don't even know if they do that for bladder stones like they do for gallstones...... You are all in my prayers, that's for sure!! I've grown very fond of that amazing young man!

Kendra went with us yesterday because Ken's appointment was up in Billings smack dab in the middle of Kendra's day with us. Well, he can't pick her up, and it's starting to wear on me, so I taught her how to get in the car from her wheelchair all by herself! (Well, not ALL by herself - my hand is never far from her hiney just in case) We have one of those 'as-seen-on-TV" helper thingies that you put in the latch of the car door to assist with getting in.....one of the very rare TV products like that which actually WORK. I love them. Anyway, I sneaked her outside while Grampa got shaved and packed her catheter bag. I stuck that little device in the latch of the van door and showed her how to grab it. I said, "Time to get in your carseat." Then I had her stand up on the footrest of her chair, grab that handle with her right hand and the armrest of the seat with her left, and after working her legs to show her how to take the step from the footrest to the floor of the van, she DID it! She pulled herself right up! She's known for several months how to get herself seated in the car seat, so it was just a matter of helping her turn around once she was in the van and getting herself in. Oh, I got so excited and praised her to high heaven!! She sat in her seat with a big grin on her face, clapping and saying, "We did it!" Then I reversed the process, telling her, "Okay, time to get in your wheelchair." We did a complete exchange of chair-to-seat sets 3 times, and she didn't need any help at all after that. She'd set the chair's brakes, pull herself up into the van, turn around, get in her carseat, then wait for the fuss! It just took a few minutes to teach her!

When we got ready to leave, I let her do it. Tough old Grampa just stood there with his mouth hanging open, totally speechless!! It's easier to show than to explain, so I'm going to get it on video. I can't wait to show Miss Cindi, her PTherapist! I knew she could do it...the hardest part is knowing when she's ready to try something new and capitalizing on it....I"m so proud of her. You have NO idea what this means...no more chest and back discomfort lifting her and twisting her to get in position for the carseat sounds like a bit of heaven to me!
That is incredible Blooie!!! She is an amazing little girl!!!!

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