Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Thank you so much!!!  You made me cry....:hugs

My daughter is SO incredibly lucky to have grandparents, both parents (although we are not together) and an incredible step mom that love her and care for her.  I once made a list of the things that I could no longer do, but I also made a list of all the things that I am now able (and willing) to do because of my beautiful girl.    Some are funny, like I miss going on roller coasters, but now I get to spend 4 hours on a merry go round instead!!   It turned out that my positive list was MUCH longer than the negative list.  I wouldn't change a thing about her, unless it would make life easier for her.  I do wish I were more aggressive in questioning things I'm suspicious of....
Agreed the things we've done and the awsome people we have met some times don't know what to do but to get through it without breaking down is always the hardest task one laugh or smile from my boy or the way he leans his head to get kiss wipes away all to that and we began again for the next round of what life throws at us . Not sure but I think I straightened out all I messed up trying to post from a phone .:)
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Look what I got to snuggle on today. Baby Theodore, our 34th Grandchild. :)


I love tiny baby feet. :)
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Thanks all...I will snuggle when ever we can get over there. Had to go back and spell his name right. An...O, instead of the A. Oh well, we all know the name, it's Greek meaning is.....

A Gift From God. :)
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Prayers, Richard isn't doing well. He plans on going to the ER in the morning. He knows he will be kept for a while. :/ It's gone into his kidneys. I said, go tonight. He has gone through this before, but, even though he thinks he's fine until morning, I worry. He will let me know if they are going to keep him tomorrow sometime, pretty sure they will.
Prayers, Richard isn't doing well. He plans on going to the ER in the morning. He knows he will be kept for a while. :/ It's gone into his kidneys. I said, go tonight. He has gone through this before, but, even though he thinks he's fine until morning, I worry. He will let me know if they are going to keep him tomorrow sometime, pretty sure they will.
I'm so sorry to hear that Cynthia! My thoughts are with him!! Kidney infections can be so painful. I hope that he does go into the ER first thing tomorrow and they are able to find a way to get rid of this infection!!!!
Thank you. I can't imagine him waiting until morning. I know what he's thinking. He knows how buggy they are forever in getting things settled. Questions, I V blood drawn..urine test. X-Rays. He just doesn't want to go through all of that tonight. I will be trying to get hold of him first thing in the morning. If I don't hear from him by 11, I'm calling the hospital..he may put it off..calling me until they get him into a room. If he isn't there, then I will be heading over to his place!
 Prayers, Richard isn't doing well.  He plans on going to the ER in the morning.  He knows he will be kept for a while.   :/    It's gone into his kidneys.  I said, go tonight.   He has gone through this before, but, even though he thinks he's fine until morning, I worry.   He will let me know if they are going to keep him tomorrow sometime, pretty sure they will.   

Richard and family are in my prayers.
Thank you. He is in the ER room right now. Waiting to hear what they do with him. We will take all of the prayers we can get..the power of prayer!

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