Raising Geese 101

I don't know if this is off subject or not but it is about geese I have a female goose that started breaking duck eggs and then walking away wherever she finds one she breaks it she does not eat it just breaks it. I guess I should have added why is she doing this
@spoilt70 how is she breaking them? My female goose loves to go in and noodle around the duck eggs but hasn't ever broken any. So I am not sure what the motive your goose has in breaking the duck eggs unless she is just too rough with them.. I doubt my goose could break any of my Muscovy's eggs but she probably could the Runners and Buffs if she picked them up in her mouth and dropped them.I just make sure to pick all eggs up when i open their doors first thing i nthe morning.
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Far as i can tell she finds 1 laying around after the duck lays it and she walks up and hits it with their beak a few times
  how is she breaking them? My female goose loves to go in and noodle around the duck eggs but hasn't ever broken any.  So I am not sure what the motive your goose has in breaking the duck eggs unless she is just too rough with them.. I doubt my goose could break any of my Muscovy's eggs but she probably could the Runners and Buffs if she picked them up in her mouth and dropped them.I just make sure to pick all eggs up when i open their doors first thing i nthe morning. 
My chcickens lay eggd in the goose house and they will acy as if their moving them aroundnbut they just cursh thme,atleast thats what it looks like to me.
  how is she breaking them? My female goose loves to go in and noodle around the duck eggs but hasn't ever broken any.  So I am not sure what the motive your goose has in breaking the duck eggs unless she is just too rough with them.. I doubt my goose could break any of my Muscovy's eggs but she probably could the Runners and Buffs if she picked them up in her mouth and dropped them.I just make sure to pick all eggs up when i open their doors first thing i nthe morning. 
My chcickens lay eggd in the goose house and they will acy as if their moving them aroundnbut they just cursh thme,atleast thats what it looks like to me.
She hasn't started laying again yet but before she stopped laying earlier this year she was fine with all the eggs she never broke any till a few months ago
She hasn't started laying again yet but before she stopped laying earlier this year she was fine with all the eggs she never broke any till a few months ago
So it will be interesting to see how she is with her own. But I know to do to keep her from braking others is to collect them as early in the day as you can. I have to do that here just to keep someone from wanting to sit and hatch.
My geese will talk to me and out of my hands.

U until now,they were good.

They seem to be nibbling, snapping at my legs, and for some reason, hate shoes. My grandma got a bad habit started by shoving her shoe in their faces, and of course they reacted.

anyway of fixing this?

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