Raising Meat Rabbits

My 14 month old Am Chin kindled for the 2nd time today. She weaned 9 the first time. Today she had 11 healthy kits in 93 degree heat. I am SO glad it is finally evening and beginning to cool off... down to 88 at 8pm.
I have another month or two til I breed one of my rabbits and another week or so until one of my other rabbits kindles. I'm thinking about breeding back one of my does though, her kits are almost 4 weeks old and she is in pretty good shape.
Sounds like you are getting decent litter sizes. Don't get to upset if they loose 1 or 2. Hopefully they will keep them all but it does happen. Sometimes the kits stay latched on and are drug out of the nest box. Do not be afraid to put them back in the nest box. Momma rabbit will still take care of them if you touch them. If it is a new mother pet her first to get her smell on you and get her calmed down about you butting into her business.
My wife and I have been de-boning and canning rabbit all day. I have to admit we froze the back straps this time and are going to make jerky out of the flanks. We did loose two of our breeding does recently. One while giving birth to 19 tiny still born kits and one moved her nest box in front of her automatic water nipple and it got bound up and she could not move it in the mid day heat. This caused the loss of 8 kits as I had no rabbits that were willing to adopt them. Bitches... We also let one of our older does have her freedom. We still leave food and water out for her. Kinda fun to watch her run around enjoying her freedom after all the rabbits she gave us for dinner and does for breeding. I guess even Marines have a heart. Semper Fi.
my rabbits don't care if I mess with them. of course i usually come bearing treats of garden weeds or radish tops (their favorite)..one started having them on the wire portion of her cage and i moved those the first night...the larger rabbit had smaller and less kits.. the one i expected to have only a few had 7 and they are a good 3 inches long ,just making sure she has extra food etc...usually she eats 1 bowl a day ..today she has already eaten 2..but they are fat and happy babies so a little extra food is worth it.
I took my duck and the mama rabbit to breed but she wasn't willing... which is okay. I decided I will wait and breed all three of my does together in two months, or at least two if bella needs more than a month after kindling (this is under the assumption some of her litter survives this time).

I'm SO glad we finally built new hutches,we got one done a few days ago and another the exact same half built. It's the first time we put a box on the side of a hutch that stays there year round and today is the first day I put my new zeland white doe in there and it's bigger than her last hutch which I love. And when I put her in there she of course hopped around smelling everything and rubbing her chin on the feeder and stuff. She started jumping in and out of the box that has straw in it and she keeps jumping in and moving the straw around and making her little nest(she's not pregnant) and loving her box. I love it and will put a box on every hutch I make because they can get off the wire and have a little spot to there own and snuggle up in and stay warm and feel safe and have a little cubby hole to get into and of course it will be great to kindle in!!! We put a lid on the box so we can access it good. She started jumping in the box and messing around in there and just looks out like wow this is nice what a awesome place!! Anyway I'm gonna breed her for the second time(first time she made a nest and everything but never had kits must have died inside and it would of been her first litter) so I'm gonna try again next weekend with a new buck I'm getting in a couple days. Anyway here are some pictures I took of her in her box

I highly recommend everyone to put a box on the side of there cage or hutch so there rabbits have a nice soft,warm,hideaway,or nest to have all to them selves!!! My doe loves it and can't wait to get my new 12 week old new zealand white buck!!

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