Raising the Galaxies


Hedgeland Farms

May 5, 2022
Southern Illinois
I've been hesitant to share this as this isn't everyone's ideal set up. It's probably no one's ideal set up. I've been trying to research brooding outside and have decided to document my attempt. The weather and anything and everything I am trying as far as heat goes. My mistakes and loses but also my victories.... if there are any!

Feb 25th. Got 21 chicks in the evening around 6pm. Weather high today was 45 low tonight 35. Placed them in the brooder box, inside the coop with a Cozy Coop heat plate. There they stayed overnight!

Feb 26th. Chicks stayed outdoors. Came home on lunch to check on chicks and one had gotten smothered. Started using the Heat plate and a microwavable heating pad which i warm every few hours when i go back to check on the chicks. High today of 56 low of 39. Warmed up heating pad at 8pm and again at 3am when I got up for work.

Feb 27th. Chicks stayed outdoors. High today of 65 low of 44. Heating pad got warmed at 3am. At 4pm i tried to warm up the heating pad and it abt caught fire.... Cozy coop has stayed on this entire time. Night check, everyone was cuddled around the cozy coop board and are sleeping. Some on the back and some on the front. It's making me wonder if I need a second heat board.... I chose to continue without a second board.

Feb 28th. Chicks slept outdoors last night. High today of 59 low of 48. Morning check, lost 1 more chick to being smothered. After the loss of a second chick due to smothering...and not knowing if it was avoidable by having TWO sources putting off heat, I decided to add the heat lamp. I added it during the day, during my 3 days off as to observe it before deciding to leave it. Gave chicks some probiotics and some electrolytes as I haven't given them any since I've gotten them and a few of them came home with nasty pasty pasty butt. They seem to be thankful for a wider range of heat.
730 pm at 51 degrees outside I unplugged the heat lamp to allow the bulb to cool down, and i left the cozy coop heat board on. Plugged the heat lamp back in around 9pm. Wiped some pasty butt today, and added vitamin E oil around vents.

March 1st. Chicks spent last night outdoors. High today of 73, low tonight of 40. I have yet to cave and bring them in, but why would I when I see how well they are doing without me hovering.

I went out at 130am to check on things (my husband's alarm went off, so he could get up for work, and it woke me up) chicks all seem happy safe and warm ...best part they are all still alive, no smothering. I went out to let my first flock out at 530am and checked the heat lamp again and on the Barred Rocks which the kids have so lovingly named The Galaxies. Everyone is doing great, heat lamp went off for awhile to cool down the bulb, and the cozy coop remains on.

Brought home 12 more barred rock chicks to replace the two I lost 😂😂😂. One seems as though it may not make it due to a huge case of pasty butt. I took care of it...but now it's a wait and see game. Currently I have 30 chicks running around their brooder having the time of their lives 😆
(Hopefully the last one bounces back! 🤞🤞)

I decided to try dropping a t shirt over my cozy coop...the chicks seem to love it and the shirt isn't getting hot at all. I feel better abt this option than any of the others.

730 night check temperature is 59 degrees. The t-shirt is still over the cozy coop. The chicks are all huddled underneath and sleeping. The heat lamp is off.

March 2nd. Night check at 1am when my husband's alarm went off. Temperature is 53 outside my coop thermometer is reading 60. I turned the heat lamp on mostly for them to see than for anything else. They are all up grabbing some food and drinks of water. I'll turn it off when I get up at 3am or so when my husband leaves for work. I tucked the thermometer under the t-shirt to try to get a semi decent read for under there.

I went out and checked it at 215 am and it read 80 degrees which is acceptable to me. Turned the heat lamp off for the rest of the night so the Galaxies would go back to bed.

Went out at 630 to check temp in coop. Reading 47 degrees and the outside real feel temp is 37 degrees. I turned the heat lamp back on bc the sun is rising and it doesn't always come into the coop right away. I am trying hard to not cause pasty butt by messing with the temp of the brooder (on and off of heat light) which is why I am leaving the t-shirt over top of the cozy coop board. That'll be a stable tempature even if outside of it changes (should not change that much my heat lamp is like 6ft away from the bottom of the brooder) just enough to cut the chill, maybe.

The chick that had the super pasty butt from yesterday isn't just huddled on the board anymore, infact there are 31 chicks running around the brooder having the time of their lives, here's to hoping she's feeling fine!

😭😭😭 ran to get some chick grit and came back to 2 more smothered babies even with a dual heat source. Their brooder is 4x4 and plenty of space for them currently. Their grow out will be their 10x10 coop. I am just so beside myself. Was brooding outdoors wrong?? If they were inside would I have loss these 4 chicks?!? I know losses are apart of chicken farming, but 😭😭😭

I flipped the heat board so it was supported at an angle from the side...so the hot part is on top of the chicks.
This appears to be a chick favorite now that their backs can touch the heat. Hopefully this eliminates the smothering issue. 😔😔

Chick count 29

Chick count at lock down, 29

High today was 60 degrees
Low tonight 43 degrees

I'll continue to update each day with a new entry as days go on. I am really excited abt documenting as much as I can abt raising them.


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I'd disagree that brooding outdoors isn't optimal - it is. But it does require some extra considerations vs brooding indoors, such as dealing with greater temperature variance, weather conditions, etc.

Smothering is an issue with heat plates, which is why lamps are pretty much the only option for large batches like this (30 chicks is a lot). Even a large heat plate can only hold maybe 12 chicks, and it sounds like you only have the one?

Your brooder is small for the number of chicks which also contributes to smothering/crushing. If you want to raise this many chicks at once, having 2-3 brooders running would work better, so there's fewer bodies moving around in each space.
March 3rd. It's POURING RAIN. Having to have to work this morning I did a chick check at roughly 1:30am. All are present and accounted for. They seem to love the heat board turned upside down. It's providing a bigger heating surface than they had with it upright bc they can utilize the entire board. The heat lamp was off the entire night.
Everyone scurried out for a drink and some food. Ran around for 15min then back to bed. Everything is dry, heat lamp is disconnected. Today's high is supposed to be 53 but we have severe weather warning. Being at work sucks!!!

Lunch time check, this weather is INSANE!!! Windy, rainy, which means blowing rain, tornado warning and a flash flood warning.... kiddo #3 went out this morning around 8am and checked on them for me. She's been incredibly helpful in elevating some of the stress of being at work. Can't wait till I can get home to the Galaxies!!

Came home after work, all Galaxies are accounted for!!! Seriously so thankful tipping the heat board has had great results!!! Chicks are loving it!!! They are all running around, flapping their wings, eating drinking and having a merry old time!! ❤️❤️❤️

Coop temp is 45 degrees. Outside temp is 39 degrees with a real feel of 28 degrees.
Rain and gusts of winds at 29 mph. It's REALLY blowing out there.

All Galaxies are tucked under the cozy coop and warm. They ran around for awhile with their wings spread having a good time for a bit after I got off of work.

With the weather I am choosing to keep both coop doors closed. Everything in the coop has remained dry, but I don't wanna risk missing a change in wind direction and having freezing rain fall on them.

Another visit out and the Galaxies are up and eating. Coop temp is 40 degrees. Chicks do not seem to mind at all as long as they have that one warm spot to go back to. They are even staying out to play rather than eat and run back under.

Night check before bed, the Galaxies are doing fantastic. I really think I've found "the set-up." These chicks are running around and having a hay day!!! Everyone got a full belly before bed, and tucked in for the night. Weather has calmed down.

@rosemarythyme i thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I really didn't know prior that smothering was an issue with heat plates and wish I had. A chicken lover close by to me told me abt flipping the plate, and it has been a game changer. I feel like this is a more natural way for the chicks as well
When I say "not everyone's ideal set up," I mean, size vs chick, outside vs inside, heating options etc. They won't remain in this for even 4wks, once they out grow it they will be moved. Currently they all are happy "flying" around and running from one end to another. My only other experience brooding chicks has been indoors for 5wks, in a plastic tote, with the heat plate. This is a new experience for me, and I don't have all the answers so I appreciate when people like you chime in and set out the preferences or a better idea. Honestly, brooding separate never occurred to me as silly as it seems so thank you for providing that idea. A second heat plate is on the agenda for tomorrow but I promise you they all do fit underneath it!


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When I say "not everyone's ideal set up," I mean, size vs chick, outside vs inside, heating options etc. They won't remain in this for even 4wks, once they out grow it they will be moved. Currently they all are happy "flying" around and running from one end to another. My only other experience brooding chicks has been indoors for 5wks, in a plastic tote, with the heat plate. This is a new experience for me, and I don't have all the answers so I appreciate when people like you chime in and set out the preferences or a better idea. Honestly, brooding separate never occurred to me as silly as it seems so thank you for providing that idea. A second heat plate is on the agenda for tomorrow but I promise you they all do fit underneath it!
Yeah it does take a bit of extra work to set up for outdoors and it's not possible in all set ups (lack of electricity in the coop or run being #1), but I think once people try it, they tend to agree that it's so much easier brooding outside than in. For me, because my flock ranges in age, it's ideal as it allows me to integrate chicks in as early as possible.

If you don't plan on doing a large group of chicks for a few years after this, don't sweat the separate brooders at this time but if this is going to be an annual or every-2-years sort of thing, might be something to consider setting up as you will have use for it.
Yeah it does take a bit of extra work to set up for outdoors and it's not possible in all set ups (lack of electricity in the coop or run being #1), but I think once people try it, they tend to agree that it's so much easier brooding outside than in. For me, because my flock ranges in age, it's ideal as it allows me to integrate chicks in as early as possible.

If you don't plan on doing a large group of chicks for a few years after this, don't sweat the separate brooders at this time but if this is going to be an annual or every-2-years sort of thing, might be something to consider setting up as you will have use for it.
As far as the process goes, I am enjoying having them outdoors rather than in now that I can see they are doing fine. It was a lot of stress at first on whether or not outdoors was the right call, but I attribute that to my set up as well. Finding a heat source that worked and that I was comfortable with took some time. I had thought I had that figured out, but alas plans change. 🤣🤣🤣

This is my only big brood I plan on doing for a long while, if I ever do another big brood, I will look into a 2 or 3 different brooders. Thanks so much for the tip!!! 💗
March 4th. Went out at 3am. Temp is 34 degrees outside, coop was 39-40 degrees. As soon as the light came on, all of the Galaxies started coming out from under the heat plate. No heat lamp was used last night. I don't like heat lamps. I think too much, and don't sleep well when one is going.
The Galaxies are happy and hungry. I left the light on in the coop for them so they could be out playing and enjoy some light. Yesterday was such a dark and gloomy day, I think they are excited to have some light even if it's not natural. Should be able to open coop doors today.

Morning check at 8am, temp outside is 33 degrees. The Galaxies are all up and moving. Having a great time feeding their faces Lol. Coop doors are shut but lights are on for them.

I swore I'd make an honest account no matter how embarrassed by what happens or how "offended" I may get by someone's response. This is important to me, and I am hoping it's helpful to others in the future. I don't know what little bit of info I could possibly pass on, but even if someone learns from my mistakes .... ans I know if people comment suggestions/changes/things theyd do different to me they will help others as well.

So with all that said...I lost one more chick. She was likely failure to thrive as she was my little runt. She was NOT smothered. Just not healthy and this morning at my 3am check I brought her inside as I noticed she was not doing well. She was cheeping but not active...then she passed in the little box I made her for inside the house. She went from chirping to gone in like an hr. 😔

Chick count 28

Went out to check the Galaxies after our first 2 morning basketball games. They all seem happy and healthy. Fluttering around, climbing on things. The coop temp read 59
Outside temp is 47. Doors are open.

Checked the Galaxies after our last basketball game. Temp in coop is 65. Temp outside is 53 degrees and sunny. I am watching the Galaxies jump/fly from roost to the floor over and over again. They are literally the best ever!!!! They will be jumping out of this brooder before I know it!!!

Went and spent some time cleaning up their brooder, attaching the wire top, and fixing the second heat plate in place. The Galaxies seem to now be afraid of their heat source but hoping that they warm up to it 🤣🤣🤣

plans to go check on them in a bit. Temperature outside is 49 degrees. Coop doors are shut.

Went out again, it's been 15min and all of the Galaxies except for 1 had found their spot under the heat plates. I helped the last one along, and 3 popped out....they were eating when I left, but I figure they found it before they can do it again.
Plans for one more check before bed.

Last and final check has revealed that all of the Galaxies have tucked in for the night.

Tempature is supposed to get down to 36 degrees tonight. I know that they can handle it.


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Here is the set up I am using. The two heat boards are outlined in blue, and they really do make a lovely little cave for them. The rest of the room in the brooder stays the temp of the coop. Plans to move them to the coop floor likely by end of wk 3


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March 5th.
HAPPY 1WK BIRTHDAY GALAXIES (yesterday lol)!! 🎇

Morning tempature is 39 degrees. I have to work today so checking on the Galaxies around 330 am. All is well. Everyone came out from under their boards to eat, drink and spread their wings a bit. Tempature inside the coop is 45 degrees. I left the lights on for them. Doors are shut. The husband will open them later.

Husband opened the door, messaged me that all appeared fine.

Lunch check, the Galaxies are running around happy as could be. Talk of moving them to the coop floor tonight is in the works. The above suggestion is correct. There is not enough space to brood this many chicks in my current brooder. 😔

ESPECIALLY bc my husband just text me and told me he bought 6 more of what he THINKS are Barred Rocks. He knows I've been down abt the loses and wanted to surprise me!! bless him...he loves me.

Chick count 32.

Came home from an errand after work and moved all the Galaxies to the coop floor. Where they very much showed excitement and ran around flapping, and practiced climbing their ladder.

Went out and checked the Galaxies. They all sure do enjoy that food!! I am gonna introduce them to grass tomorrow, now that they are in their permanent brooding situation.

I have learned A LOT in the last wk. Even after reading and thinking through everything I could think of, there was (and is) still more to learn. Here's to hoping the worst is behind us! 🤞🤞

Final night check on the Galaxies. All is quiet. I have learned to not turn the light on when this is so. I know they are all tucked under their little heat set up and snoozing.

For once I feel like I can sleep easy. I have increased their living space, improved their feeding situation so that they weren't crowding around that circle feeder stepping or standing on each other, and they now have a very spacious heat arrangement.

Tempature is 56 degrees, with a low of 46 tonight.

Sleep tight little ones!


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March 6th. Morning check on the Galaxies at 330am. Lights are on. All Galaxies are accounted for. One seems a little slower than the rest, but moved quickly when I tried to catch her to check her bottom. She was dirty, but not a badly...I wiped her up and set her back down. Outside tempature is 49 degree. Coop temp is close to 60 degrees.

Galaxy check after work. They are all happy. Running around and exploring the coop. They've eaten a lot today!!! (Read: spilled a ton of food numerous times today 😆) I had tried taking the lid off the trough but it only backfired on me 🤣🤣🤣

High was 73 today and I turned the heat boards off for abt an hr just ti let them cool down for a min. One has been running non stop since I got the chicks over a week ago.

Took some grass into the coop. They questioned it for some time. I pecked my finger at it and enough became curious that most at least explored it a bit.

Bedtime check for the Galaxies. Everyone has gone to bed. All are tucked in @ 6pm Coop tempature is 70 degrees. Outside temp is 66. Low tonight is 40.

Oh and one if not 2 of the chicks hubby bought for me are black asains (spot her in the front of the first photo, in the little window) They were all in a bin together and he got 4 outta 6 right. For a man who didn't even ever want chickens....he did good!!


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