Rantings to stop eating Free Range eggs~ please respond !

I was tempted to post something, but I try to refrain from these arguments. I'm not a vegan, so I don't belong on vegan blogs. Judging by the passion the author uses in the article, it would be futile to discuss the matter. This person's mind is made up. If a person wants to be a vegan, that's their choice. It's an extreme lifestyle, IMO. I was a vegan in college for a while. I grew tired of it quickly.

I eat meats, eggs and milk. Yup, animals will die and suffer for me -sorry. If a vegan lives in a house, does all the natural flora and fauna where their house was built not get destroyed? Every worm, insect, mouse gets killed or displaced..... A person is foolish if they think that they can live on this earth without harming some kind of life form.

I better stop. I could go on and on and on........
No, no please continue... good answers , good answers. You are correct there is no middle ground with these folks. Starvation tends to change ones view. People with full bellies complaining over the treatment of animals that is not up to their expectations is paltry and pathetic in regards to those that are hungry.
I stopped eating meat a few weeks ago. I think it is fine to share the truth about what is going on with animals, and the poducts we get from them.Many prefer not to think about the farm to fridge process. I see nothing wrong with knowing,and then making an educated choice.I am happy there are so many people who now have backyard farms.That means less animals suffering in CAFOs.

We will never be a vegan world,just like we will never be a world of peaceful beings.We eat meat and we start wars. I would be happy to kill our animals to feed the family. I see the eggs are fertile,and I know we could be hatching a lot of chicks.Eggs are eaten,but I am not allowed to kill the chickens.It is interesting to see where my family draws the line on what is acceptable and what is not.

I am not extreme in my views and perhaps it is because my family still consumes the flesh,milk and eggs.Their choice.
I do remind them though to respect those that might eat animals they find unacceptable.Meat is meat and I don't care if you eat a cow,dog,or guinea pig.You can't go eating one animal,and tell someone they shouldn't be eating the animal THEY want.

I do have a line *not to cross* and it is eating other humans. That is just wrong. I get upset when I hear about people making human fetal soup.Must be legal(in some places) though since I have not read of arrests. I don't demonize an entire country,race,or religion for the acts of a few.For some though eating fertile eggs is right up there with human fetal soup.
I scanned through the vegan posting,and it did not seem all that bad. She did say *some* free range farmers. It is true that many farmers on a larger scale are not much more humane than a CAFO.Shoot,there are some backyard farmers that are keeping their hens in horrid conditions. If we do right by our own animals I see nothing wrong with eating the eggs.Exposing the truth of how things are on some factory farms is OK too.

It is not hard to go eggless,but I see no reason to do so if you WANT to eat egg,s and are OK with the farm to fridge process for your specific eggs.My eggs are not procured(sp?) through an inhuman process.
It's worth reading this page and noting what they won't do with animals:


In an nutshell, this lady and her husband are vegans and wish to raise money to buy land and create a 'sanctuary' for 'rescued farm animals'. The blog seeks to attract attention in order to sell products and score Amazon earnings through click-throughs as a way to earn the money they need.

Once they have land and animals to care for, they will need a substantial regular income to keep it going. Almost certainly, they will have to charge visitors an entrance fee or ask for donations. Sooner or later, an animal will have to be put down. Perhaps visitors will be allowed to pet or hold some of the animals.

If I'm right, they will find it very difficult to keep to their list of don'ts once they have custody of animals. I wish them luck if they are able to give some creatures a better life but the only way for them to keep to their creed is to have no contact with animals whatsoever. Perhaps they will decide to relax some of their rigid views. They might start by accepting that an unfertilised egg from a well cared for hen does no-one any harm, even though there would never be enough of those eggs.
I was tempted to post something, but I try to refrain from these arguments. I'm not a vegan, so I don't belong on vegan blogs. Judging by the passion the author uses in the article, it would be futile to discuss the matter. This person's mind is made up. If a person wants to be a vegan, that's their choice. It's an extreme lifestyle, IMO. I was a vegan in college for a while. I grew tired of it quickly.

I eat meats, eggs and milk. Yup, animals will die and suffer for me -sorry. If a vegan lives in a house, does all the natural flora and fauna where their house was built not get destroyed? Every worm, insect, mouse gets killed or displaced..... A person is foolish if they think that they can live on this earth without harming some kind of life form.

I better stop. I could go on and on and on........

mommissan! I totally agree. I almost posted a comment to them but then refrained. They are likely deleting the comments anyway. I have a vegan cousin and they do the same on their blog - anything that does not support their articles gets deleted immediately. But that is my biggest argument with them - how far do you take it? So long as you survive, something is suffering at your hands. There's no way around it.
Thanks for trying peeps, but it does seem that they are deleting any input from us good natured farmers, and only showing what agrees with them.
Such is the case on alot of their 'blog'
I only asked that they clarify that eating free range eggs from beloved hens (from folks like us) is wonderful, a fantastic sourch of protein, vitamins & minerals.
I for one cannot eat soy, or wheat gluten grains.
If I have no eggs, where would I get my proteins ?
That would be all I had left, a diet of straight meat for my protein source, and that includes beef, pork, chicken & fish.
Alot of which has unhealthy fats !
Eggs do not have the saturated fats flesh meats do.
I do not care for the big commercial hatcheries treatment of hens and male chicks.
I have heard male chicks are used as pet food (chicken by products)
I hate debeaking...and have never found it necessary even though we do raise up to 50 Cornish each year, free ranging.
I detest battery egg farms !
But I dislike the way she groups 'us' all together.
Looks as if they will not show any of our comments, so it seems a waste of time to post there...sorry all~~~~~~~~~~ and thanks for trying !!
It's worth reading this page and noting what they won't do with animals:


In an nutshell, this lady and her husband are vegans and wish to raise money to buy land and create a 'sanctuary' for 'rescued farm animals'. The blog seeks to attract attention in order to sell products and score Amazon earnings through click-throughs as a way to earn the money they need.

Once they have land and animals to care for, they will need a substantial regular income to keep it going. Almost certainly, they will have to charge visitors an entrance fee or ask for donations. Sooner or later, an animal will have to be put down. Perhaps visitors will be allowed to pet or hold some of the animals.

If I'm right, they will find it very difficult to keep to their list of don'ts once they have custody of animals. I wish them luck if they are able to give some creatures a better life but the only way for them to keep to their creed is to have no contact with animals whatsoever. Perhaps they will decide to relax some of their rigid views. They might start by accepting that an unfertilised egg from a well cared for hen does no-one any harm, even though there would never be enough of those eggs.
Very well said !
Animal Sanctuary, like most organizations of that ilk, thrives on sensationalism and half truths. There is no incident of animal mistreatment, real or imagined, that they cannot blow completely out of proportion. An acquaintance of mine who has a largish commercial goat dairy ended up in real legal trouble over alleged animal cruelty. The report was made by someone associated with Animal Sanctuary and they had a big hoo ha about it in their web site. The fact that the incident never happened at all was irrelevant as far as they were concerned. They were just after publicity. The district attorney finally dropped the charges over credibility issues. Animal Sanctuary didn't have any. But my friend was out several thousand dollars which he could ill afford in legal costs. Animal Sanctuary has an agenda. One is to raise money for Animal Sanctuary. The other is to promote veganism. At the core, they do not think people should have any domestic animals, period, and we should all live happily eating tofu and drinking soy milk. And, most importantly, contributing money to Animal Sanctuary.

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