Rantings to stop eating Free Range eggs~ please respond !

Does anyone besides me see my question I posted ?

Animal Sanctuary, like most organizations of that ilk, thrives on sensationalism and half truths. There is no incident of animal mistreatment, real or imagined, that they cannot blow completely out of proportion. An acquaintance of mine who has a largish commercial goat dairy ended up in real legal trouble over alleged animal cruelty. The report was made by someone associated with Animal Sanctuary and they had a big hoo ha about it in their web site. The fact that the incident never happened at all was irrelevant as far as they were concerned. They were just after publicity. The district attorney finally dropped the charges over credibility issues. Animal Sanctuary didn't have any. But my friend was out several thousand dollars which he could ill afford in legal costs. Animal Sanctuary has an agenda. One is to raise money for Animal Sanctuary. The other is to promote veganism. At the core, they do not think people should have any domestic animals, period, and we should all live happily eating tofu and drinking soy milk. And, most importantly, contributing money to Animal Sanctuary.

Seriously? The fact that the organization exists does not surprise me. What surprises me is that she is preaching these things, like ending the domestication of animals (aka, letting every domesticated breed go extinct) and yet she has a list of "pets" which she lists as rescue animals in her 'about' section. They aren't farm animals, they're a dog, a cat and some rats. I'm trying to educate myself in this strange reality so correct me if I'm wrong but don't you suppose she actually interacts with and gleans entertainment from her pe- I mean rescue animals? She's named them so she's already projecting her humanity upon them. I can just imagine her playing with her dog, fairly certain he isn't living out the rest of his days the way nature "intended" dogs to live.
I looked at the site. It is an extreme animal welfare site, and is full of misleading information, at best.

Several of the practices mentioned in the egg laying article are not allowed in the US and I doubt they are allowed in Australia, either. I am also willing to bet that this person does not fully embrace the concepts she espouses. It would be very difficult to have rescued rats, allow them access to both indoors and outdoors, not cage them, not neuter them and still have any sort of home. My guess she would argue that she and these animals are in a "transition" stage.

People like this are like all zealots, they don't want to hear other points of view, will not acknowledge the validity of any other point of view, and cry foul when treated to the facts. It is not worth posting on this kind of site.
It's a blog rather than a forum so she doesn't have to approve any comment that doesn't suit her. She will be quite careful about that because she wants to maximise her income from the website by showing favourable support.

My comment made it, by the way!

As a matter of interest, does anyone know whether vegans avoid eating plants that have been fed on animal excrement? I'm wondering just how far it's possible to take an extreme code without starving to death.
I don't see your post - only mine and Edana's with the blogger's reply to Edana.

I wonder whether she is able to show individual posts only to the commenters who made them. We would then all think that our comments had been published when they were not.

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