Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager


is another site that mentions parasite control. I find it interesting that it is good for humans as well!
Great link!
I wonder why your not suppose to use it in metal dishes? Is it because of the acidity maybe?

Edited to say: Great links! I wonder if I can get my DH to take some. It sounds like something he could benefit from.
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TexasStar wrote:

Put into a glass of water: 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, my mom's side of the family swears by it.

It might taste better in a glass of apple juice. Some folks can't stand the taste of it! It comes in gel caps at health food stores I think.​
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The icidity(sp?!) in the vinegar can corrode metal so it can contaminate the water. There is a great article in backyard poultry april/may 2008 on the benefits of apple cider vinegar.
You know, I wonder if this is just any Apple Cider Vinegar or do you need to purchase the organic apple cider vinegar? I'm not close to a health food store in order to buy the organic type acv.
don't buy the apple cider in the regular grocery store, you need the Pure unfiltered kind with the"mother" in the bottom. If you have a Kroger's grocery they carry it if not look for it in the natural foods section of your grocer. (except walmarts-they DO NOT CARRY A NATURAL LINE OF FOOD PRODUCTS) marrie
I buy the raw unfiltered ACV with the "Mother". I use it in my chickens water it helps keep the green slime from building up in the plastic water bowls and it is very beneficial to them. I use it everyday in my water bottle, it has help keep me from getting sick while others around me have been ill and suffering. I will be leaving for China tomorrow and I am packing a pint for everyday use when I am there to help fight off bacteria and viruses.

www.cagenbird.com Contents vinegar

www.naturalbird.com mcwatters acv
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