Ready! Hurry up and open that door.


University of North Quackalina
10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
Every morning my Pekin ducks are so excited to see me coming to open their door. 2 of the females attempt to start flying and start jumping and crashing into the window.
It ends of taking me longer to unlock b/c I get nervous that they are going to hurt themselves. Is this normal?
I haved a scovy drake that gets so excited to see me he will actually attempt to CLIMB the fence! He uses the box method and puts one clawed foot on one fence ( this is at the corner w/ the gate attatched ) and the other clawed foot on the gate part. Of course he falls back onto the other 20 or so ducks and knocks them in the head with his humong wings though.
I think it is normal if they are pinned up. My ducks free range and and anytime they hear any of our doors open they come running and quacking away. If they were pinned and I came out to open there door then I am sure they would get all excited. When you go open there door bring some pees and throw them away from the door so you can open the door with out anyone trying to get out.
I think it's perfectly normal.

Anytime I walk past Vinnie with anything in my hand, he thinks I'm holding food and wants it right away! He'll try to fly out of his indoor pen or the bathtub just to get to the food faster!

It's not unusual for me to walk from the kitchen to my desk while holding a drink and hearing *flap*flap*TUHD* as Vinnie flies right into the wall of his pen.
haha same with my scovies - they get so excited to see me

when i let my duck out for half an hour then walk over to visit her she gets really excited to see me and starts running like crazy (her wings are clipped) it looks so funny because she is broody and she is still trying to mantain her big bossy scarey girl look whilst her legs are going flat out
even funnier when the drake tries to keep up with her.
and my fave thing about my drake is his waggy tail that is always going a million miles an hour

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