Recommended Breeds?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
I'm about to buy about 8 chickens. I was wanting some that would be good for home, and would have some colored eggs. If you all have any suggestions of good breeds for the home? They will have plenty of space for free ranging.
If you all need any other information, I can provide that
I like my Barred Rocks and Black Australorps. They are super friendly and will eat out of you hand, and the roos are really calm too. And they lay a medium brown egg, some with specks. But there are many other breeds out there that are the same way, i personly have only had these breeds. Hope this helps.
to you both! I really like my EE's the best of what I have. Ihave more coming in June.
I have delawares, a marans and australorps... and all three lay pretty well. australorps and the marans hens lay every day for me. the delawares lay about 3-5 a week. since sunday, I've collected 12 eggs.
Besides my silkie, My favorite are my EE's. I have one who follows me around and talks to me. They are really funny.
If you are only getting 8 chicks, why not try a mix? You could get say 2 each of 4 different breeds and then you could figure out what you like.

We enjoy our marans, ameraucana and orpingtons, they are just perfect. Oh - not to forget the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, too!
Yeah I'm wanting mixed varieties of birds. Maybe even 8 different kinds! Just wondering what would be good for me (a beginner with a family), would be nice, and would lay colorful eggs (like green blue whatever).
High production isn't a big priority. It'll cover our family and more. This is just fun
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