---------------Red Jungle Fowls 4 Sale-----------------


You have Junglefowls too? Great! From where? Just curious because lately there are a LOT of hacheries that sold mixed Old English Bantams as so called "Junglefowls". Its rather sick why they would claim such things and getting folks all happy they got "Junglefowls" when all they got are really just "Junglefowl" look-a-likes and end up creating this huge mess us breeders and preservationist have to clean up. If they can be kept at hatcheries successfully and produce 1000s and 1000s of chicks each year to be sold in the U.S., then they are not Junglefowls. Thats a rather simple fact. Haha

Anyways, a little off the topic but sure! I can hook you up with some. Care to e-mail me pictures?

- Tommy

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