Red tail chicken hawk.

We actually took a pic of the hawk before we crated it and released it in the woods. Once in a lifetime moment. Check out my poor chicken's blood and feathers in its claws.....Quite a surreal moment....
Wow They are so brave and your right. always watching! They know where the chickens are And they just wait for a chance.boy was I wrong thinking my presence would keep my bird safe. That hawk snuck up behind me and I didn't even know it was there! It would have been a disaster if my husband didn't scream look out!! I have so many hawks I just can't take the chance to let them free range any more. If they are going to attack with me right next to the bird. I feel like I can't keep them safe...those hawks are always scanning and I'm unlucky to live right in their area.. I just wish something could be done. .I feel sad they can't free range because they love it so much but that really showed me that those hawks really don't have any fear of me..I just don't know what else to do but keep them in the run.

We actually took a pic of the hawk before we crated it and released it in the woods. Once in a lifetime moment. Check out my poor chicken's blood and feathers in its claws.....Quite a surreal moment....

Wow, my husband just said that is exactly the bird that was in our black walnut tree just near the winterized tractor/coop on our patio. I have tried putting up temporary fencing around our maple tree and some yard area near the patio for the chickens to "play" in when I am outside with them. I will no longer do that without some kind of overhead protection. I took them out (all 6) and was with them when 6 birds began flying very near us. I picked up very large sticks and started screaming at them and for my little dog to help. My chickens were oblivious!! Even my Roo! And I think my dog was frightened too. They finally began flying off but it scared the daylights out of me. If I go out again with them (even with netting), I am taking a bb gun at least. I have a right to protect myself!!!
We just had our first chickhawk incident. Eartha is dead, her throat was ripped out. Does anyone know what will scare the hawks out of the area?
Im not saying this, but get a break barrel 22 cal pellet gun. Wait for them to land in a nearby tree and feed them some lead. I remember growing up in an area with pheasant everywhere. Then every year there was more and more hawks in the fields where the pheasants gathered for winter. Now there is no pheasants left. I used to watch them from my house diving on the pheasants and quail all the time. But ever since the government decided to protect them our game has all but gone. Went hunting in December on a canal bank and in 4 miles seen 12 redtail hawks. There is one area around here on a 20 mile stretch of highway you can count up too 50 hawks, along the road. Just like the seagulls. working on the farm I once seen some fly down and take a whole clutch of baby quail from our pasture. She just happened to be crossing the pasture with her chicks and the gulls seen her and came down and grabbed them all.
If you've got crows, keep an ear out for them. My crows will squawk LOUD when a hawk is nearby. Love my crows, they're a great warning system!

I used deer netting over the run last year and actually witnessed a hawk making a dive for one of my girls. When the hawk finally saw the netting, it made a fast direction change and shot back up in the air. Couldn't believe how close it came and how effective the netting was.

We have many crows around here. I feed them! I've seen them chase hawks away many times.

About a week ago I was out with my flock, letting them free range and all of a sudden the cockerel gave an alarm sound and all the girls dove for cover in some oak brush. I looked up and saw a hawk floating gently above us, not too far away. I threw rocks, yelled, waved my arms and generally made it known that the hawk was not welcome. None of my drama phased that hawk in the least. A few minutes went by with me acting the fool before a couple of crows came into the area. That hawk was GONE within seconds after they appeared. I'm jealous! Lol
Im not saying this, but get a break barrel 22 cal pellet gun. Wait for them to land in a nearby tree and feed them some lead. I remember growing up in an area with pheasant everywhere. Then every year there was more and more hawks in the fields where the pheasants gathered for winter. Now there is no pheasants left. I used to watch them from my house diving on the pheasants and quail all the time. But ever since the government decided to protect them our game has all but gone. Went hunting in December on a canal bank and in 4 miles seen 12 redtail hawks. There is one area around here on a 20 mile stretch of highway you can count up too 50 hawks, along the road. Just like the seagulls. working on the farm I once seen some fly down and take a whole clutch of baby quail from our pasture. She just happened to be crossing the pasture with her chicks and the gulls seen her and came down and grabbed them all.
So sad.
That reason alone is why I let the Ravens eat the chicken's feed
and I have from 1 to 4 at a time around the yard and yes they
get in the garbage when it is in the back of the truck but for the
most part the Ravens are worth the trouble anytime .........

You might want to think about some cloth netting over your
relaxation or resting spot .......
That reason alone is why I let the Ravens eat the chicken's feed
and I have from 1 to 4 at a time around the yard and yes they
get in the garbage when it is in the back of the truck but for the
most part the Ravens are worth the trouble anytime .........

You might want to think about some cloth netting over your
relaxation or resting spot .......

Yep, they eat whatever they want around here. Cat food, chicken feed, scraps that I throw out. I love to see them floating around above our property.

Our Blue Heeler hates them because they tease him. He barks and barks, but they just hang out in the trees or fly around over him, it sounds like they are laughing at him sometimes.

About a month ago I saw what must have been over 100 of them swirling around each other, flying higher and higher above our property until they slowly floated away into the sky. it was amazing. I had no idea that they ever got together in such numbers.

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