
I had two chicks of the lighter fluff and three that were darker. The pullets are a bit more washed out than I expected. They lack the deep reddish tint that I was hoping for. They all seem so much taller, but I guess we will have to wait and see how they fill out? I am happier with my McMurray stock (even though the large hatchery stock is sometimes frowned upon). My older hens from McMurray have the deep red with black spangles and amazing large, red combs.
I wonder how Ideal Hatchery's Red Caps are? I am always cautious as they may gets their hatching eggs from the same supplier as McMurray...any thoughts?

My McMurray Redcaps were better than Ideal's... but that's just one instance. Ideal's were smaller and had some comb sprigs on the males. Not that McMurray's were up to SOP.
My McMurray Redcaps were  better than Ideal's... but that's just one instance. Ideal's were smaller and had some comb sprigs on the males. Not that McMurray's were up to SOP.

Don't think there's Redcaps anywhere that are up to the SOP, I'd imagine with good hard selection and hatching gratuitous amounts of chicks you might get close in 5-10 years. It'd be a fun project if someone had the time, space and money.
Don't think there's Redcaps anywhere that are up to the SOP, I'd imagine with good hard selection and hatching gratuitous amounts of chicks you might get close in 5-10 years. It'd be a fun project if someone had the time, space and money.

Space for the numbers needed is the biggest problem... I've been "at it" 3-4 years and there has been some progress... I can't do hundreds... a bit over half a hundred is more like it... so time (lots of it) will tell. I have a few youngster on the ground that look significantly better than 3 years ago. I have my fingers crossed for them... they can still change in the months ahead.
Space for the numbers needed is the biggest problem... I've been "at it" 3-4 years and there has been some progress... I can't do hundreds...  a bit over half a hundred is more like it... so time (lots of it)  will tell. I have a few youngster on the ground that look significantly better than 3 years ago.  I have my fingers crossed for them... they can still change in the months ahead.

That's awesome. Hope you share photos of them here.
There is the possibility of compromise through culling and weight. If you cull at 8 weeks old for weight, you can hatch out more, but only raise out the best. Besides, in Redcaps, weight is one of your greatest concerns right from the get-go.

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