Redwood Incubators - Information, help, for sale and wanted

On my Leahy, the window thermometer is like 101.5 - 102, but my trays are at 99.5 on all levels. My hatches have been really good, and not early either.

Ok thanks I adjusted it so it is reading 99.5 in the trays all though my temperature does move up and down some

edited for typos
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Here is what the original turners in the farm masters and Super Hatchers look like and how they work. Sorry the audio is not very loud.

Here is what the original turners in the farm masters and Super Hatchers look like and how they work. Sorry the audio is not very loud.

That is just like mine, only my drawers have 3 dowels, not 5 likes yours. I'm waiting for a new heating element, think that is all that I need. Can't wait until I can replace it & see how it goes.
You're getting a slightly cooler reading in the trays because of the latent heat of evaporation ( the eggs are giving off humidity, which is cooling the air, and the eggs a little bit)
On my Leahy, the window thermometer is like 101.5 - 102, but my trays are at 99.5 on all levels.  My hatches have been really good, and not early either.
Here is the Super Hatcher 400 that I just refurbished. It is now sold.

Before cleaning. It actually had a thin layer of mud all over it.

And when completed ! I don't do well working with wood so an kind of proud of how this turned out.

Here is the Super Hatcher 400 that I just refurbished. It is now sold.

Before cleaning. It actually had a thin layer of mud all over it.

And when completed ! I don't do well working with wood so an kind of proud of how this turned out.

Good Job! I'm waiting for a new heating element for my Farm Mater. Its been on for 4 days straight now, and is up to 93 degrees, but still not enough, so ordered a pretty cheap gqf element for $7.10. no shipping. I'm told it should boost heat up to normal. Then I have to regulate the wafer & games. I hope by end of the week to have eggs in it. Then, will sell my Sportsman. Yeah!!! I won't refinish the outside until summer when I'm not using it. I love having my incubator outside in the barn, not in the house. Frees up space for other things...
You're getting a slightly cooler reading in the trays because of the latent heat of evaporation ( the eggs are giving off humidity, which is cooling the air, and the eggs a little bit)
Ok so what temp should I adjust the temerature according too?

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