Redwood Incubators - Information, help, for sale and wanted

wow a little high in price don't ya think. I am not sure anyone wants to pay that much for an incubator. Not an individual at least. maybe to a Collage with an AG program maybe. WOW
This is the same one that I posted about last March in post #7 on this thread. It is in a new location with a new owner, but the price is still at $100.
Once again I'm broke and can't come up with the dough. So I thought I'd get it up on here In case someone is looking for a redwood in western Washington.
Don't bother. Its gone.
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Hey guys,

I'm located near Portland, OR and we're looking to find a functional redwood incubator (perfect world right?). I've been told that they function much better than any metal or plastic based incubator and surpass them in longevity as well. We've been using Brinsea model incubators and I am not truly impressed, especially by the price they carry. Does anyone know of one near here? We are also willing to pay shipping on one that is in functional order with an automatic turner.

Any help is appreciated,

I'm looking at a Farm Master Incubator 1200. Could anyone give me some history on this incubator? Was it also made by Leahy incubators, as I understand they marketed their incubators to Sears. If it needs rewired or parts will I have to rig that up myself or our there still some parts you can buy that interchange? Thank you for your help.

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