Rescue Conures: how to socialize?


Mar 22, 2018
Oswego, New York
Hello friends,
I have recently acquired 2 rescue conjures, Boo and Mango. I have zero information on them, except they belonged to a woman who passed, and they were sold at an animal auction to someone I know.

The person who gave them to me didn't handle them at all. When I met the birds a year ago they were skittish but much friendlier. Now they are straight up wild. The boy is a brave aggressive biter, and the girl is more likely to come and grab a snack from your hand but is so so scared otherwise.

I really appreciate any advice someone might have as far as socializing these birds. I know they are very bonded but I want them to lead a rich happy life now, and hope they wont spend the rest of their days terrified of people. I know theres potential there, but I also dont want to traumatize them. Please help.
Well a few things to do would be to sit in the room they're in, (not too close) and just talk to them. You could also drop some yummy treats in the cage every so often. As they get more used to you, try getting closer, and if the male bites don't pull back, as that's what he wants. Over time as the birds begin to trust you, you could try to introduce new people, and have them hand out treats or talk. Another thing to try once they settle down a bit is to just leave your hand in the cage without touching them, as it will show them the hand is not there to hurt them.
Since they're paired, the male is going to see it as his duty to guard his female. So, depending on the time of year and hormone levels, he may always be nippy or territorial. The little female will likely be more affectionate, although this varies by individual. I agree with Poultrybreeder that your best bet is to speak softly to them, offer treats, and give them some time. Parrots adapt much more slowly than other pets or poultry. Good luck!
Another thing you can do is sit and read aloud to them and do other activities while sitting beside them. They will be curious about what you are doing and also be able to spend time in your presence without feeling threatened. Baby steps. Best wishes

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