Respiratory Infection, Gapeworm, Egg Peritonitis or Something Else?


In the Brooder
May 10, 2018
Hi all. I’ve been following for a long time but just recently created an account. I have a 1 year old Salmon Favorelle Hen that is in distress. I’ve read through more threads than I can count and I’m seeking advice/diagnosis. She first began showing symptoms a week ago I’ve had her in the house since and began giving her 1 cc of Tylan 50 1/2 IM and 1/2 sq once a day, VetRx on her nose and in water and I then wormed her with Fenbendazole still
no improvement and she’s not eating or drinking. I reached out to my vet (large animal) and she prescribed Baytril which I started today. Her poop is also yellow and watery. Here is a short video of her breathing
If anyone has had a chicken with similar symptoms I’d appreciate any and all advice.


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She does sound like she has a respiratory infection but I believe Erythromycin is the common antibiotic for chickens.
She really looks in distress, gasping or gaping, and I hear a sneeze. Did the vet see her? How long ago did you give the Fenbendazole, and how much, and how often? I would give her 0.25 ml per pound for 5 straight days. So if she is 7 pounds, that would be 1.75 ml. She could have gapeworm, which is rare, or a respiratory disease. ILT, a respiratory virus can cause severe pump handle respirations, and bloody mucus from the beak. Others, such as MG or coryza could also be possible. Tylan can help MG symptoms, but I would give her 0.2-0.4 ml 3 times a day orally for 5 days. Could she have something in her airway? I would look into her beak with a flashlight for anything unusual including yellow patches. I hope she starts getting better. How much Baytril are you giving?
Thanks eggceasive. The febbenazole is the safeguard paste (for horses) I’ve been giving her a pea size amount once yesterday and once today. I did the Tylan for 5 days and nothing. Vet prescribed baytril today it’s 27 mg every day for 7 days. She’s a friend of mine and didn’t see her but gave me the meds. I looked in her throat before and saw nothing but may enlist a friend to help. It’s hard to do by yourself! No yellow patches though and no mucas or foam from eyes or nostrils.
You can still measure the fenbendazole in a needless syringe. A pea sized amount is not enough for gapeworm. 1.75 ml is just under 1/2 a teaspoonful which is 5 ml.
I would look around for mold which can also cause respiratory problems, such as aspergillosis.

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