Rhode Island Reds and Australorps


Apr 7, 2022
Looking at these two breeds (females only) for backyard chickens within city. Are they both generally quiet, good layers and do well in an enclosed space? Would generally love to know any advice about both breeds.
Looking for cold-hardy, few health problems, quiet, and efficient layers since we have to follow city hen limit. 🙄
I have a Black Australorp and I love her to pieces. She is the friendliest of my flock, great layer, and never gets into any fights with the other chickens. I would say they are a great choice for any flock!
I recommend Australorps over RIR's. Both are great layers, same level of noisey (all hens make noise, Wyandotte's are really chatty.) When you say "enclosed space," as long as you're not talking about cages, both would be fine. Australorps however have the "nice," factor, while RIR's have a tendency to be aggressive (with humans and other chickens.) Cold hardy means how cold?
I recommend Australorps over RIR's. Both are great layers, same level of noisey (all hens make noise, Wyandotte's are really chatty.) When you say "enclosed space," as long as you're not talking about cages, both would be fine. Australorps however have the "nice," factor, while RIR's have a tendency to be aggressive (with humans and other chickens.) Cold hardy means how cold?
Midwest cold, but not NY extremes.

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