Ring test hatch on supermarket eggs


May 17, 2017
Right, I’ve got a little time on my hands and and empty incubator (dangerous combination). So for a little fun I thought I would test out 2 different theories.

1, that dangling a ring on a strand of hair over an egg will determine the sex. In a circle means a hen and side to side a Roo.

2, that supermarket farm eggs may be fertile.

So if a ring can determine the sex then surely it wouldn’t do anything if an egg isn’t fertile, right?? Well I’ve got a dozen farm fresh eggs from a supermarket and dangled my wedding ring over with a strand of hair. Apparently hair works best !

Well for 8 of the 12 the ring came to a complete standstill, 3 swung left to right and 1 in a circle. So 4 little eggs are currently nestled in the bator with a few extra from a different batch. I’ll check the remaining 8 as they are used to see if they look fertile. No point in wasting good eggies.

I’m not hugely hopeful but where is the harm in a little fun!!


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Omggggg I found out that some supermarket quail eggs were fertile the other day! Keep us updated on the supermarket eggs would be interesting to see
As far as I know, if eggs from the store MAY be fertile, it will indicate so on the carton. The best way to find out if the eggs in a carton are fertile is to crack a few open and check for the bulls eye. Of course, the ones you crack will make a great breakfast, but won't produce a chick. Better to sacrifice a few for a fertility check followed by an omelet, instead of sacrificing a whole dozen in the incubator, only to have to throw them away. Good luck with the rest of your experiment.
As far as I know, if eggs from the store MAY be fertile, it will indicate so on the carton. The best way to find out if the eggs in a carton are fertile is to crack a few open and check for the bulls eye. Of course, the ones you crack will make a great breakfast, but won't produce a chick. Better to sacrifice a few for a fertility check followed by an omelet, instead of sacrificing a whole dozen in the incubator, only to have to throw them away. Good luck with the rest of your experiment.

Thank you! Day 2 today so another few days and I’ll have a quick candle. From the remaining 8 the 2 used for cooking haven’t been fertile so the ring theory so far is right ! I’m under no illusions that this is a foolproof method. But it’s something to keep me occupied and sain once my daughter is in bed. Haha
should be interesting ...not the ring part ...you can't determine the sex of sperm using gold ... its only later that the y chromosome determines whether you buying it or wearing it ! (and before the ladies laugh -- y chromo also determines whether you'll be making sandwiches or eating them !!!)

If they do
1.the farmer is getting his egg sold and delivered pretty quick
2. store has a high turnover for eggs which means eggs are in high demand
3. the farmer is holding on to a lot of males
4 The eggs are truly free range because there's no roo long enough that can get that far into a cage!

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