RIR Rooster limping


Apr 14, 2020
Sealy Texas
My 18 week old RIR rooster, Fred, showed up this morning with a limp on his right leg! He favored it quite a bit till his fav girl, Ginger, came by! He went after her with gusto and barely a noticeable gimp! Then after his failed attempt at cornering her, he went back to limping more! I decided I should separate him from the flock so he could rest his leg/foot! I don’t see anything or feel anything unusual! The pen I put him in is about 4’x3’ and away from the coop/yard! He is pacing, so not resting at all!
So I think I’ll clean the brooder, a small raised area I kept my chicks in when I first got them... it’s inside the coop.
It’s smaller and he is used to it! It has a feeder and waterer in it all the chickens can use! It also has a small roost in it!
I’m thinking he sprained his leg! There is another dominate roo,(Dinner), that chases him! So maybe in an attempt to get away?
Is there anything else I can do to aid his recovery, like soaking his leg in Epsom salts, or rubbing some kind of healing ointment on it? I read that a baby aspirin would be ok to give him! I’m not so sure about that!
Thank you in advance! Fred is much more mellow, and easier on the hens! I had planned to do something with Dinner because he is pretty aggressive! Now I’m thinking I should wait and see what happens with Fred!
I don’t see any swelling, the bottom of his foot looks just like the other one. The color seems darker, but not much!
I’ll look up the sling! Thank you!
I put him in a small area that he is used to, so he is not stressing. He it’s about 3’x3’ square! He isn’t moving around much! He has a small roost in there.... he has been on it every time I go back there!
I didn’t feel any heat anywhere... I inspected him really good the first time I picked him up!
The only thing I have thought of is there are some small bushes between a big tree and a fence! Dinner chases him around that tree! Maybe he got his leg hung up in a branch of that Bush! I’m cutting the bushes down tomorrow! There isn’t anything else out there! He is so much more laid back than Dinner! I really wanted to keep Fred and get rid of Dinner!
They were both supposed to be pullets! I bought 6 pullets and two ended up being Roos! Tractor Supply! ☹️! I ordered chicks from a hatchery and Covid had just started, they didn’t deliver, they didn’t deliver, forever! I ordered mid March, I gave up at Easter and bought at Tractor Supply! Then 3 weeks later I got my order finally! So now I have way more chicks than I originally wanted! I got my first two eggs this week! 😊
A friend that has way more chickens and for way longer than me, said I could soak his foot and leg in Epsom salts! I may try that tomorrow!
Thank you for the information!
Yes do the epson salts and can you post some pics of the top bottom o this foot tomorrow? Just in case? You are doing a great job, and make sure you are providing calcium not he side of the food in another dish for the laying hens, Avery
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Sounds like he may have been fighting or injured himself somehow if the dominant rooster is chasing him all over the place.

Doesn't sound like he needs pain medication, wrapping or a sling. Unless he's just not able to move at all. If you want to get video of him that would be fine - upload video to youtube and provide a link.

Caging him is o.k. and may help with the healing process. While he is gone, the dominant rooster will establish himself even more so be prepared for fighting when you let him out.

What's your plans/goals with more than one rooster?
My 4 brahma eggs due to hatch tomorrow 🤞🤞 had a couple issues with i cubator over nite they werent out for more then 3 mins and nt externally pipped yet really hope hasnt harmed them keep u all updated 🐣🐣🐣
P.s. u all have gorgeous babies 🥰🥰🥰
I plan on getting rid of Dinner! That’s been the plan all along... this the name! I just dragged my feet due to so many other things happening right now! I also have a pair of black lace Peking Bantam Cochins, I want to breed! They are exquisite! And a pair of black silkies! I’m guessing I’m going to have to have breeding pens and separate all the Roos! I have plenty of land! If Fred recuperates, I’ll keep him and Dinner will be dinner!
I’ll try to take pics today!

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