Rochester MN slaughter law

Go to City Hall, or County building and ask the people working there what are the laws in regards to chickens. Here where I live we are allowed to keep chickens, but not slaughter them. I keep mine for pets, so the killing never would occur ether way.. The option for people living in my area to eat their chickens is;;; Take them to a butcher shop where they sell live poultry. They can process your bird, and they are licensed to do so. They have proper facilities to do so as well as dispose of waste matter. It is not hard to understand why municipalities have such rules. I agree with these rules on several different levels also. I can explain, but probably not necessary.
I suggest you try this option. Find a live poultry store and ask.
I don't agree with ordinances that prohibit culling older birds or excess cockerels for personal consumption. Cities and townships that have such restriction usually also have bans on cockerels and number of birds to begin with. How would one get rid of males or maintain a small layer flock if older birds stop laying and want to introduce new pullets? The simple and common sense answer is put those to the axe and roast the young cockerels or stew the old hens. Why would I pay someone to kill and pluck a bird when a person can do it themselves. Next they'll require fisherman to take perch to a fishmonger for skinning.

If for some insane reason I lived in such an area I'd simply butcher in the garage with door closed. You can't say the reason for such a restriction is public safety. If that were the case then all chicken in stores would be precooked for the ignorant consumer that doesn't know how to handle raw meat. If it's to protect the children from seeing the natural order of food being butchered before it makes the table then butcher behind closed doors.
Here's a novel idea. Just do it. For personal use, who cares. It is your property. If you are doing it commercially then I might go ask.

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