Rodents in the duckpen!

The night pen is secure - no rodents can get in once the door is closed (we did have a tiny opossum sneak in once . . . lesson learned).

The day pen sees rodent visitors regularly, but usually at night. I leave the doors open to the day pen at night sometimes to allow local rodent predators, including my cats, access to the area.
Don't ducks also eat mice? I would think they would not stand a chance if they cannot outrun the ducks.
I do the same. They have a gallon rubber pail for the daytime to graze while I am at work. Early evening I change water, give a couple scoops more food, they eat, I clean up for the next day and then take food in when I coop them for the night. They sure are happy to see me in the morning (I mean, the bucket....) ; )
Still getting eggs daily. Weather in South Central WI will be in low 40's with sun for the next 5 days! Yahoo! Thankful for each warm day we get.
I cleared out most of the rodent hiding places, and started just feeding out of a bucket, and only during the day. Hard to say for sure if the problem is solved, but I haven't seen any more creepy critters yet!
I cleared out most of the rodent hiding places, and started just feeding out of a bucket, and only during the day. Hard to say for sure if the problem is solved, but I haven't seen any more creepy critters yet!
Well it all ducks actually eat rats or mice, I can't remember if it was casportpony or misslydia or someone had a story of their Muscovy males eating rats and mice that came near their females nest, talk about protective fathers.
Wasn't me but my chickens will eat mice too, problem here is it's after dark when the mice and rats[hopefully not rats] come out and all my birds are locked up. A few weeks ago I found a mouse drown in the kiddy pool I picked it up and laid it on the ground and my chicken picked it up and ran off with it.

I need to set up my game camera to see if we have rats coming out after dark.. Gives me the creeps.
Wasn't me but my chickens will eat mice too, problem here is it's after dark when the mice and rats[hopefully  not rats] come out and all my birds are locked up. A few weeks ago I found a mouse drown in the kiddy pool I picked it up and laid it on the ground and my chicken picked it up and ran off with it. :/

I need to set up my game camera to see if we have rats coming out after dark.. Gives me the creeps.

Yikes! I don't even know what these ard, they're like... halfway between a rat and a mole

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