RodNTN's chat thread!



8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everybody, I have been wanting to start one of these for the longest time so here I am!
Here are a few rules about my chat thread:
1. Follow all BYC rules!
2. No fighting or arguing.
3. No cussing.
4. Have fun!
I'll start off the chat,

I LOVE chickens, dogs, cats, horses (I want one so much!) goats, basically all animals!
I love bird feeding and watching
I love fall and winter
My favorite breed of chickens are silkies, white leghorns, EE's, and red sex links, how about you all?
I love books
Okay, your turn!
Hi @RodNTN

I love animals also. I especially love chickens and horses (i can't decide what i like better) I owned a horse once... a rescue thoroughbred and it was a very rewarding experience.
I love spending time with my chickens while watching them free range and dust bath. Today was soon funny. Their feed bowl trough thing was empty and the door was open so i just grabbed it and left for the house to fill it up. When i look behind me they are all following me to the house haha.
My favourite breed of chicken is the Australorps
Here are some pics of mine

Aww, your chickens are soo cute @AustralorpsAU ! I especially love the third pic! Aww, you need some silkies @Cluckcluck1215 ! Their such great chickens! I'm with you, I LOVE all animals! I also love music, I like old 1940's-50's music the most. How about you? What are you all doing this summer?
Aww, your chickens are soo cute @AustralorpsAU
! I especially love the third pic! Aww, you need some silkies @Cluckcluck1215
! Their such great chickens! I'm with you, I LOVE all animals! I also love music, I like old 1940's-50's music the most. How about you? What are you all doing this summer?

Rock and classical music are the best!you HAVE to try the song.:lost in paradise evanasice!ou my god, I love Amy lee!she is my favorite singer!
Hmm, Rock isn't really my kind of music. Who is Amy lee again? I don't really listen to a lot of modern songs
I usually just to listen music like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, The Andrew sisters, etc. BTW, Happy Labor day! What are you all doing today? We grilled hamburgers. My chickens LOVED the leftovers!
Hmm, Rock isn't really my kind of music. Who is Amy lee again? I don't really listen to a lot of modern songs :oops: I usually just to listen music like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, The Andrew sisters, etc. BTW, Happy Labor day! What are you all doing today? We grilled hamburgers. My chickens LOVED the leftovers! :lau

She is the singer of the band.
Haha, I'm glad they licked duck was killed today.
R.I.P peep:

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