RodNTN's chat thread!

*Shake hand back and smiles*

Sorry I GTG. I'll be back later sis!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. So I'm at piano lessons right now and my teacher wanted me to do something for her but I dint anymore so I'll be here for about...... 5 mins.

You're so so so so so so SWEET SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. So I'm at piano lessons right now and my teacher wanted me to do something for her but I dint anymore so I'll be here for about...... 5 mins. 

You're so so so so so so SWEET SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!

:) I worked on that all night. I actually had myself crying. :hit It took me a while to perfect the ending. :hugs
But it's absolutely nothing compared to the poems you wrote! :eek:
I worked on that all night. I actually had myself crying.
It took me a while to perfect the ending.

But it's absolutely nothing compared to the poems you wrote!
Really?! You're such a good friend.

Oh. I should've pointed that out. I didn't write the poems. I found them on Google. XD XD XD I am going to write a poem but it's not going to be as good as the one I posted. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!

GTG for real now! Hopefully BB later!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Sarah! Sorry!!!!!!!
:) I worked on that all night. I actually had myself crying. :hit It took me a while to perfect the ending. :hugs

But it's absolutely nothing compared to the poems you wrote! :eek:

Really?! You're such a good friend. 

Oh. I should've pointed that out. I didn't write the poems. I found them on Google. XD XD XD I am going to write a poem but it's not going to be as good as the one I posted. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!

GTG for real now! Hopefully BB later!!!!!!!!!! 

Sorry Sarah! Sorry!!!!!!!

You are too, Lily. :hugs Sunshine and Candice really touched me, so I had to do something to commemorate poor Sunshine. :hugs
Oh. :) Well, I was convinced you wrote them, so that means you're viewed around here as an amazing writer! :clap
Lily, please don't apologize! :) There's no reason to- it was a misunderstanding from me!
Okay, bye!!! :hugs Have a great piano lesson!

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