Roo or Pullet?

about 12 weeks, 18 weeks now so I can try and get another pic. "She" was crowing this morning!
Crowing=rooster. At the 12 week pic you can see the red comb and it looks to maybe have a triple row, which is a male indicator. But crowing at 18 weeks is male.
Crowing=rooster. At the 12 week pic you can see the red comb and it looks to maybe have a triple row, which is a male indicator. But crowing at 18 weeks is male.

Crowing would be an important detail to include
Okay I will count the rows, didnt know about that, I read every where that hens can crow though
Okay I will count the rows, didnt know about that, I read every where that hens can crow though

Crowing hens are older, mature hens in hormonal imbalance and/or older hens in a flock where there is no rooster and one takes the role of flock leader to the extreme -- for young birds, one that crows is male. They are also not nearly as common as the anecdotal "evidence" you find online would suggest.
The rows on the comb are a good indicator for pea combed birds - I have to admire donrae's vision, for the life of me I was not able to make out the rows while looking at your picture initially.
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Looks like a cockerel to me, especially since it is crowing. Hens can crow, but usually only when they're older, really dominant, or with a problematic ovary.

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