Roof or no roof on the run?


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2020
Hi there, I am in the process of planning our duck run and I was just wondering if I should be putting a roof on the actual run itself?

Either way I shall be putting some form of roof on to stop predators (OK, the neighbours cats and the odd fox) getting in but should I be sheltering them from rain/sun too?

I am in England so I doubt the sun would be much of an issue however rain/snow could be! (although I would be more concerned about the snow weighing the roof down than the snow in the run (with that said, we don't tend to get that much snow)
Above the run will be a pine tree, which I will trim back but can't fully remove - I don't see the pines being an issue for them?

They will have a sheltered duck house of course and also be allowed into the garden to free range when we are out with them to chase off the cats.

So quick easy question should the run have a solid roof or mesh roof?
My run is covered with chicken wire but no roof. My girls can go under the coop in case they want to get out of the rain but they free range during the day so they find shelter from other sources.
Having shoveled snow from my run for over a decade I am voting for roofing it.

We got a couple low hanging lines moved a couple weeks ago. We will be roofing ours in the coming weeks.
I would have both, part covered, part not. If you only want one option, then covered for sure.

I can tell you that have a covered run during 3ft snow storms was awesome. Food and water stays outside and doesn't get wet plus the chickens are more protected from any other elements.
I am in England so I doubt the sun would be much of an issue however rain/snow could be! (although I would be more concerned about the snow weighing the roof down than the snow in the run (with that said, we don't tend to get that much snow)
Unless you get a foot of snow at a time, I'd not worry about it.
Solid roof for rain might be where the run off goes tho, you won't want it running back into the run.
thank you for the replies, I wasn't sure if they "needed" the sun - shame I missed out on my bosses dog kennel (large 16'x9' shed with an kennel at one end and a covered run) - he sold it for £100 ($130) - bugger!

I will probably have a single slanted roof and a bit of guttering to catch the water, thank you all for the help.

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