rookie from NY


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Apr 14, 2015
just became a HUGE fan of Meyer Hatchery!
I ordered 50 Easter Egger hatching eggs for my classroom and my daughter's classroom. We got incubators set up, students excited and ready to go....but something was wrong because none hatched! Maybe the below 0 temps during transit from Ohio to NY??? Anyway, Meyers is sending me a new batch!! How wonderful of them! There is no way to guarantee success with eggs, but this was a great surprise to us. I will keep you posted when the new eggs arrive next week. Meyers just got 2 repeat customers.
we are in upstate NY, and in farm country. An employee at my school is more than happy to add to her flock after we hatch and brood them.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the unsuccessful hatch, glad Meyer is replacing the eggs, good luck with the new set!
we tried so hard to do everything right, and the kids were so disappointed! Next time has to be better...I ordered a new digital thermometer and hygrometer just to be sure.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Sorry to hear you had an unsuccessful hatch, I hope this time round you have a super hatch. Great idea on the new thermometer and hygrometer always best to double check. Here is a great article on incubating with a section all about shipped eggs Is certainly worth a read lots of great info.

Wishing you the very best of luck this time round. Be sure to ask any questions, everyone here to help and very friendly :frow
Sullivan County-- near Bethel Woods, the site of the original Woodstock. I couldn't bear to prepare chickens to eat---gathering eggs is more my speed! Where are you?

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