Rooster in the hen house


13 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Cecil Co. MD - 5Yrs. Chickens 4Yrs. Ducks
Does anyone keep their roosters separate from the hens at nite? Same coop but different pen? I am worried about my roosters knocking the hens off the roosts (which i have seen happen when they are trying to mate) and getting injured in the coop. I do let them have the hens in the run or out in the yard, but am still anxious about letting them roost together.
we have one rooster in with our hens out of seven, and that's only because the other roosters were beating him up and to prevent them from killing him we put him in with the hens. He has been hell on our hens....tearing the feathers out of them at will and pretty much having his way with them. Although it hasn't effected there laying eggs we do take them from her before anything happens.

We recently about 9 weeks ago got new chicks for our flock. Once we find out who's who so that we can put them in the proper pen, he is going to either fend for himself or become free range at this point.
All my chickens and roosters are in the same coop and run. I have two grown roosters, and two three month old ones that I haven't decided what to do with yet. They all sleep at night whenever I check on them. I've never housed a rooster separate.
My roo is in the coop with the hens. My two special needs hens cuddle up to him at night and that prevents the other hens from picking on them.
My main Roo has been staying with his girls from day one. At night if you think you are getting inside that coop you better be ready to get attacked. He will not let anything in at night I mean nothing.

In the day light he is great.

I have several young roosters that stay with the other girls in a seperate coop (Same pen).

I have to many chickens for one coop so I have two.
My flock gets to free range and he usually goes out but he is staying in and roosting does this mean he's not feeling well
Sure love all my girls


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When I have a rooster in a flock he is with the flock like any other bird, day and night. I have never had any problems that you list as concerns above, they roost with the hens like any other flock member
Same as above. I have 1 rooster and his son, still a cockerel with the rest of the flock day and night. There are also 2 younger cockerels in with them that will go to freezer camp once bigger. I've never seen any problems. The boys take their places on the roosts and the girls snuggle in around them.

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