Rooster or Hen

Can anyone help me with this one, I decided it was a roo, then about a month ago it started to cluck, so we thought it must be a girl, now I'm not sure again lol. I've never had a rooster or a frizzle, she is between 20-24 weeks old. If it is a too when should I see signs of it. Any opinions would be appreciated
Can anyone help me with this one, I decided it was a roo, then about a month ago it started to cluck, so we thought it must be a girl, now I'm not sure again lol. I've never had a rooster or a frizzle, she is between 20-24 weeks old. If it is a too when should I see signs of it. Any opinions would be appreciated

I'm thinking pullet.
Can anyone help me with this one, I decided it was a roo, then about a month ago it started to cluck, so we thought it must be a girl, now I'm not sure again lol. I've never had a rooster or a frizzle, she is between 20-24 weeks old. If it is a too when should I see signs of it. Any opinions would be appreciated

I think she's a pullet.
Another one,
I thought was a she till today,now in starting to wonder
Its difficult to see the ends of the feathers (to check for pointiness), but it looks like a rooster, as I think that I see saddle feathers. Could you get a close-up photo of its back/side?

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