Rooster or Hen

Click the forum tab at the top of the page. Choose the topic board that best pertains to the thread you want to start. Then click the blue "start a new thread" button.
Click the forum tab at the top of the page. Choose the topic board that best pertains to the thread you want to start. Then click the blue "start a new thread" button.
I can't seem to find the blue button to push for new thread
@shellikirbey Are you on mobile or desktop?

If on desktop, the button is under the subforum title.
If on mobile, you're looking for a brown box with an arrow in the top right corner (when you're looking at the list of threads).
@shellikirbey Are you on mobile or desktop?

If on desktop, the button is under the subforum title.
If on mobile, you're looking for a brown box with an arrow in the top right corner (when you're looking at the list of threads).

I know this wasn't directed at me, but thank you, because now I know how to start a new thread on my iPod. I knew there had to be some way to do it, I just couldn't figure out how.
. I have 5 astrolorps chicks ,4 weeks old..I'm thinking I have two and may three roosters..




Hen or rooster? This is a 3 week old Buff Orpington and I am new to raising chickens but I am afraid that Princess Lay-an-egg might actually be Dark feather lol this little one is very much the dominator of the group and does not like to be away from the flock.

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