Rooster or Hen

It's hard to see them real good but I'm thinking u possibly have a rooster with that buff one..usually the hen doesn't have that big or that pink comb at that age..the rooster usually gets the bigger comber and pinker one quicker

The person I bought these from said this is a pure silkie hen. The black one is mixed (Silkie/cochin) she wasn't so sure about the sex but he is displaying signs of being a rooster. They hatched a week or two after march so they are about eight weeks old. I am a newby when it comes to chickens so any advise is appreciated.
Hello BYC community! I have 3 Black Copper Marans and 2 Speckled Sussex and I would love to hear some opinions from you experienced chickeners on if they are pullers or cockerels. They are all 2 months and a few days old.
I wasn't able to upload my pics to this thread so I've put them in an album "Black Copper Maran & Speckled Sussex". Please take a look and let me know what you think.
Oh wow! I was leaning that way but didn't want to get my hopes up... I picked these 5 out of free run chicks so it seems too good to be true. Thank you

The person I bought these from said this is a pure silkie hen. The black one is mixed (Silkie/cochin) she wasn't so sure about the sex but he is displaying signs of being a rooster. They hatched a week or two after march so they are about eight weeks old. I am a newby when it comes to chickens so any advise is appreciated.
I'd probably say pullet, she looks pretty feminine, though probably post some pictures when she's older just in case. And if they said they were going to sell you a "hen" they didn't, a hen is a year old female, and this would be considered a pullet/cockerel :)

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