Rooster. Right ?

Even if "he'she" starts to lay. I would have no clue as I have many females and do not get a specific number per day and some of my girls are around 4, and only lay some days. I'm thinking after the days lengthen, if I still do not know. I will separate him to know for sure if he'she lays an egg.
Sounds like a plan to separate s/he if there is no crowing so you can tell eggs.

Another way would be to look at the vent area. A rooster will have the small puckered like a non-laying hen while a laying hen will have an oval "smiley" vent.

If he was compromised by illness, that could explain slower maturity.

However, I hope he is male...he would be the one to breed from if he has survived a Marek's outbreak and grows up into a healthy mature bird. That shows he has resistance. Having the rooster pass that along would be effective for the next generation....more effective than one hen being bred forward.

Vaccines only work so far...they prevent certain strains of Marek's from developing the tumors. The vaccine is considered "leaky" in that it doesn't prevent the disease but only the worst symptoms...and only of the most common the flu vaccine.

By far the best method is breeding from Marek's resistant stock and limiting your flock's exposure.

An old farmer's trick is to raise some turkeys along with the chickens. Not good for the turkeys as they can gain histomonas or Blackhead (carried by the cecal worms in the chickens and usually doesn't affect the chickens) but good for the chickens as turkeys are magnets for the milder Turkey Marek's which can help protect chickens, when they catch it from the turkeys, from chicken Marek's Cow Pox was used to inoculate for Small Pox at one time.

Not a perfect solution, but casting a wide net can help. Breed from strong survivors, bring in those vaccinated as chicks (offers some protection), raise a few turkeys.

Let us know if there's a crow or egg.

I will definitely let you guys know ! But yes ! @Lady of McCamley I was thinking about that. Kind of going to create more Mareks resistant chicks on accident, but needed. His father and brother died from the disease, so he is a strong one. Really hoping he fills out to be a rooster. I will also look at the vent and try seeing that way.

Thank you everyone so much for your comments and advice.
I have found out what gender Penguin is..........Drum role............... A BOY !

It has finally been confirmed... by me haha. That Penguin is indeed a boy. He mated a hen in front of me yesterday, tried to crow and I noticed he is growing spurs.
Lucky for him we don't mind the slightest bit that Penguin is a boy and he will live out a happy life as my baby no matter how old.

Here is a picture update to see how he is filling in. Slowly but surely.


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